The ITAT held that expenses claimed u/s 57(iii) lacked nexus ...
Expenses must directly relate to income to be deductible. Liquidation expenses not linked to interest income not allowed.
June 14, 2024
Case Laws Income Tax AT
The ITAT held that expenses claimed u/s 57(iii) lacked nexus with interest income earned on fixed deposits. The interest expenditure was for liquidation expenses, not for earning interest income. Liquidation expenses did not relate to interest income, so not allowable u/s 57(iii). Liquidator's contention that all expenses incurred during liquidation, including interest paid on loans, were allowable was rejected. Set off of losses against income from other sources dismissed due to disallowed expenses. Short term capital gains treated as long term for concessional tax rate u/s 112(1) of the Act.
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