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Customs - Highlights / Catch Notes

Home Highlights July 2024 Year 2024 This

Duty paid twice, once at Mumbai where cargo cleared and ...

Double duty paid at Mumbai & Kolkata due to system error. Importer provided proof. After verification, refund ordered for erroneous payment.

July 6, 2024

Case Laws     Customs     AT

Duty paid twice, once at Mumbai where cargo cleared and erroneously at Calcutta airport where consignment never arrived. Department instead of verifying internally corresponded with importer seeking cancellation report from appraising group. EDI system auto-purges bills where no cargo arrived. Appellant provided bank certificate proving duty payment at Kolkata along with Mumbai clearance evidence. On next hearing, joint commissioner verified from Kolkata docks that no cargo arrived against that bill as no examination report or IGM number assigned. EDI printout confirmed no import against that bill and Rs.12,00,014.1/- paid wrongly. Lower authority order set aside, appellant's appeal allowed for refund of duty paid erroneously.

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