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Customs - Highlights / Catch Notes

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Valuation of imported goods was rejected by authorities, ...

Declared transaction value of imported goods determinable u/s 14 & Rule 3(1). Rejecting it without legal sanction unsustainable. NIDB data alone can't justify enhancement.

Case Laws     Customs

August 6, 2024

Valuation of imported goods was rejected by authorities, enhancing value based on contemporaneous import data of similar goods. However, transaction value declared by appellant was determinable u/s 14 of Customs Act, 1962, read with Rule 3(1) of Valuation Rules. Rejecting declared transaction value without legal sanction is unsustainable. NIDB data alone cannot justify value enhancement, as it merely serves as a guideline unless value falls within parameters of identical or similar goods. Rejection of transaction value and value enhancement by department are unsustainable. Impugned orders set aside. Appeal allowed.

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