This appears to be an application form for registration as a ...
Guide to Registering as a Foreign Venture Capital Investor with SEBI: Key Requirements and Compliance Steps.
September 11, 2024
Notifications SEBI
This appears to be an application form for registration as a Foreign Venture Capital Investor (FVCI) with the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). The key points covered are: 1. Applicant details - Name, address, contact information, regulatory status, type of entity etc. 2. Details of beneficial owners with controlling ownership interest or control over the applicant entity. 3. Income and source of income details of the applicant. 4. Declaration regarding any disciplinary history or violations. 5. Appointment of designated depository participant, custodian and bank for FVCI activities. 6. Details of any prior association with Indian securities market. 7. Self-certification regarding compliance with applicable regulations like FATCA, CRS etc. 8. Undertakings from the applicant to comply with FVCI regulations, anti-money laundering laws, and provide additional information as required. 9. Payment of applicable registration and renewal fees. 10. The form requires signature and declaration from the authorized signatory of the applicant entity. The document also contains the format for the FVCI registration certificate to be issued by SEBI upon successful application, as well as details on the fees payable for registration and renewal.
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