This circular extends export-related benefits like Duty ...
Export Benefits Extended to Courier Shipments via ICES, Including Duty Drawback and RoDTEP, with New Customs Regulations.
September 16, 2024
Circulars Customs
This circular extends export-related benefits like Duty Drawback, RoDTEP, and RoSCTL for exports made through the courier mode. The Indian Customs EDI System (ICES) will be used at International Courier Terminals (ICTs) to process these payments, as the Express Cargo Clearance System (ECCS) has limitations. Authorized Couriers will file Shipping Bills claiming benefits on ICEGATE, processed on ICES. Custodians operating ICTs will register on ICEGATE for goods registration and message exchange. While ICTs handle logistics, customs clearance will be on ICES. Amendments have been made to the Courier Imports and Exports Regulations, 2010, incorporating references to these schemes and electronic integrated declarations. Courier Export Manifests are not required for shipments under these schemes. Commissioners of Customs overseeing ICTs will issue Public Notices explaining the modalities to stakeholders.
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