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Income Tax - Highlights / Catch Notes

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Assessee claimed deduction u/s 54F for amount deposited in ...

Unutilized amount withdrawn from Capital Gain Account Scheme taxable after 3 years of transfer, not in transfer year.

October 30, 2024

Case Laws     Income Tax     AT

Assessee claimed deduction u/s 54F for amount deposited in Capital Gain Account Scheme (CGAS) on transfer of capital asset. Unutilized amount withdrawn from CGAS account in succeeding year cannot be taxed in year of transfer. As per Section 54F(4) proviso, unutilized amount withdrawn from CGAS account is taxable in previous year when three-year period from date of transfer expires. Assessee transferred capital asset on 29.07.2015, so three-year period expired on 29.07.2018 (A.Y. 2019-20). Unutilized Rs. 1 crore withdrawn from CGAS in A.Y. 2019-20 is taxable in that year, not in year of transfer. Authorities erred in taxing Rs. 1 crore as long-term capital gain in year of transfer. Decided in assessee's favor.

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