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Service Tax - Highlights / Catch Notes

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The Tribunal, after examining relevant provisions, held that the ...

Banks Can Claim CENVAT Credit on Deposit Insurance Services, Says Tribunal; Appeals Allowed, Orders Set Aside.

November 28, 2024

Case Laws     Service Tax     AT

The Tribunal, after examining relevant provisions, held that the insurance service provided by the Deposit Insurance Corporation to banks is an 'input service', and banks can avail CENVAT credit of service tax paid for this service for rendering 'output services'. The Larger Bench affirmed this view, and the Kerala High Court upheld the Tribunal's decision, which attained finality. Another Larger Bench in Bank of America case also affirmed this view. The Tribunal found no violation of Rules 4(7) and 9(1) by the appellant in availing CENVAT credit before invoice issuance. Registration with DICGC is compulsory for banks, and payment of insurance premium is integral to providing banking services, entitling banks to avail CENVAT credit. Accordingly, the impugned orders were set aside, and the appellant's appeals were allowed.

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