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PMLA - Highlights / Catch Notes

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The HC dismissed a petition challenging the petitioner's ...

Detention Under PMLA Upheld as Court Finds Procedural Requirements Met Under Section 19(1)

March 24, 2025

Case Laws     Money Laundering     HC

The HC dismissed a petition challenging the petitioner's detention under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA). The petitioner alleged procedural violations in his arrest, claiming grounds were not provided in writing as required by Section 19(1) of PMLA. The court determined that the petitioner had confined his challenge to the remand order dated 09.06.2023 without questioning the earlier remand order of 08.06.2023, thus implicitly accepting its validity. The court noted that the petitioner had signed acknowledgments of receiving arrest grounds and subsequently pursued bail on merits rather than challenging procedural defects. Finding no impropriety in the contested remand order and that procedural requirements were satisfied, the court declined to interfere.

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