CESTAT held that call center services qualify as input services ...
Call Center Services Qualify as Input Services Under Rule 2(l) of Cenvat Credit Rules for Brand Building and Sales Enhancement
March 27, 2025
Case Laws Central Excise AT
CESTAT held that call center services qualify as input services under Rule 2(l) of Cenvat Credit Rules, 2004, as they contribute to brand building and ultimately lead to sale of manufactured products. The Tribunal determined these services have sufficient nexus with manufacturing activity since sales represent the logical conclusion of manufacturing, and efforts to boost sales influence manufacturing. The case involved interpretational issues of complex legal provisions rather than willful misstatement or suppression of facts. Accordingly, the Tribunal set aside the demand for Cenvat credit, associated penalties, and interest charges. The appeal was allowed, with CESTAT concluding that services enhancing brand image and product value maintain sufficient connection to output goods to qualify for Cenvat credit.
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