- Assessment of gross profit rate for unaccounted sales turnover - Modification of profit computation from gross profit to net profit - Disallowance of sales tax payments - Determination of net profit rate for wholesale trade Analysis: The appeals were filed by the assessee for the assessment years 2004-05 and 2005-06 against the common order passed by the Commissioner of Income-tax (Appeals). The assessee, a dealer in kirana goods, was involved in unaccounted sales for both years under appeal. The Assessing Officer had adopted gross profit rates for the respective years, which were later modified by the Commissioner of Income-tax (Appeals) to net profit rates, considering the suppressed turnover. The Commissioner confirmed the disallowance of sales tax payments based on the estimated net profit rate. The Tribunal noted that even in cases of suppressed turnover, there are proved expenditures, justifying the modification of profit ratio. The Tribunal acknowledged the applicability of section 44AF for summary assessment at 5% net profit in retail trade but considered the rate high for wholesale trade, to which the assessee belonged. Consequently, the net profit rate was reduced to 3% for fairness. As the income was determined based on net profit ratio, no further deduction for expenses, including sales tax payments, was allowed. Therefore, the appeals were partly allowed by the Tribunal. The Tribunal's decision focused on the appropriate determination of profit rates for the assessee's wholesale trade business. It recognized the need to consider proved expenditures even in cases of suppressed turnover, leading to the modification of profit ratio from gross profit to net profit. The Tribunal found the initially adopted 5% net profit rate to be high for wholesale trade, reducing it to 3% for fairness and reasonableness. This adjustment was made to align with the principle that net profit rates are typically lower in wholesale trade compared to retail trade, as per section 44AF. Consequently, the Tribunal upheld the disallowance of sales tax payments, given the income determination based on net profit ratio, where no further deductions for expenses were allowed. The Tribunal's decision aimed to strike a balance between the legal provisions and the specific nature of the assessee's wholesale trade operations, ensuring a fair and reasonable outcome in the assessment of income and expenditures.