Issues: The judgment involves the questions of whether certain payments made by the assessee in the assessment years 1968-69 and 1969-70 were allowable as revenue expenditure, and whether these payments were for specific services rendered by a German company to the assessee.
Summary: The Income-tax Appellate Tribunal, Bombay, Bench referred two questions to the court regarding the allowability of payments made by the assessee under an agreement. The court had previously ruled in favor of the revenue in a similar case. The counsel for the assessee argued for a fresh look at the matter based on different tests applied in other cases. However, the court found that the basic facts remained the same as in the earlier case and decided to uphold the previous decision. The court emphasized the importance of finality and certainty in tax litigations and cited precedents supporting this view. In conclusion, the court held that the Tribunal was not justified in law in allowing the payments as revenue expenditure and that the payments were for specific services rendered by the German company to the assessee. No costs were awarded in this matter. Judge B. N. Misra concurred with the judgment.