Computation of capital gains on the sale of original and bonus shares. Analysis: The appeal before the Appellate Tribunal raised the issue of computing capital gains resulting from the sale of both original and bonus shares of a company. The assessee, a company in liquidation, held 3,500 original shares and was allotted 16,100 bonus shares on different occasions. The sale of these shares took place in three tranches in 1983, totaling a sale price of Rs. 9,80,000. Initially, the assessee declared capital gains of Rs. 6,30,000, which was later revised to Rs. 3,92,454 in a second return filed in 1985. The dispute arose from the method of computing the cost of shares between the first and second returns. The Income Tax Officer (ITO) did not accept the revised computation and held the capital gain to be Rs. 6,30,000. The Commissioner of Income Tax (Appeals) partially agreed with the ITO but allowed the cost of original shares to be taken at the market value as of 1-1-1964 under section 55(2). In the appeal to the Tribunal, the assessee contended that the cost of original shares resulted in a capital loss, while the cost of bonus shares led to a capital gain. The assessee's method of averaging the cost of shares was not accepted by the authorities, citing precedents from the Supreme Court emphasizing the need to spread the cost of original shares over both original and bonus shares if they rank pari passu. The Tribunal considered various legal precedents, including the principles laid down in cases like Emerald & Co. Ltd, Dalmia Investment Co. Ltd, and Gold Mohore Investment Co. Ltd, which supported the method of valuing original and bonus shares. The Tribunal highlighted the importance of taking the market value of original shares as on 1-1-1964 for computing capital gains and directed the ITO to recompute the income based on this valuation method. Ultimately, the Tribunal allowed the appeal by the assessee, instructing the ITO to determine the market value of the original shares as on 1-1-1964 and recalculate the capital gains accordingly. The Tribunal upheld the principle of valuing shares as established by legal precedents and directed a specific method for computing the capital gains on the sale of original and bonus shares.