No. 19/2012 - Dated: 24-5-2012 - IT
Double taxation agreement - Agreement for avoidance of Double Taxation and Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with Foreign countries - Japan - Amendment in Notification No. GSR 101(E).Amendment in Notification No. GSR 101(E) -
No. 36/2012-Customs - Dated: 14-5-2012 - Cus
Seeks to amend notification no. 10/2008-Customs - Prescribes effective rate of duty (concessional rate of duty) on certain goods imported from Singapore subject to Origin of goods are of Singapore .
No. 35/2012-Customs - Dated: 14-5-2012 - Cus
Seeks to amend notification no. 75/2005-Customs - Exemption to specified goods of the origin of Republic of Singapore, when imported into India from Republic of Singapore.