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An analysis on provisions of Alternate Minimum Tax as applicable in case of assessee other than companies. |
An analysis on provisions of Alternate Minimum Tax as applicable in case of assessee other than companies. |
Relevant links and references: Chapter XII-BA consisiting of Sections 115JC , 115JD, 115JE, 115JEE and 115JF and related provisions about meaning of total income S. 2 (45) section 5 - scope of total income and Gross Total Income – section 80B (5). Alternate Minimum Tax (AMT): Alternate Minimum Tax (AMT) was introduced by the Finance Act, 2011 w.e.f. 01.04.2012 on Limited Liability Partnerships (LLP). Later on by the FA 2012 this has been extended to all assesses other than companies. For companies we find separate provisions for MAT, at present u/s 115JB and related provisions in Chapter XII-BA. The applicability of AMT: The AMT will apply only to those assesses who prefer claim of exemption under section 10AA and deductions under Chapter VIA- C – in relation to certain incomes (except deduction u/s S.80P). In case of individual, HUF, AOP and BOI further relaxation from AMT is provided if the adjusted total income does not exceed Rs.20 lakh. Effective sections for AY 2013-14 which will be hit by AMT: Section 10AA- SEZ units. Sections of Chapter VIA- C: Many of deductions under Chapter VIA- C, have been phased out and only few are still in force. The effective deductions shall also have limited effective life and they will be phased out or become ineffective gradually over some years. The effective sections under which claims against certain incomes are likely to be available and which will be hit by provisions of AMT are as follows: Section 80-IA – infrastructure development Section 80-IAB – development of SEZ. Section 80 IB- certain industrial undertakings and enterprises . Section 80-IC- undertakings in certain special category states. Section 80-ID- hotel and convention centers in specified area. Section 80-IE- certain undertaking in North Eastern States. Section 80JJA- collection and processing of bio degradable waste. Section 80JJAA- employment of new workman. Section 80LA – offshore banking units and international financial service center. Section 80 QQB- certain royalty to authors of books. Section 80RRB – Royalty on patents. Option in hands of assessee: If an assessee does not want to fall under provisions of AMT, he can avoid the same by not preferring claims under specified sections. Thus where regular tax is nil, or where there is loss or where it is prudent to pay regular tax, as per regular computation, assessee may not make a claim of exemption u/s 10AA and deductions under chapter VIA-C. In such situations provisions of Chapter XII-BA will not apply. Analysis of provisions: Analysis of provisions of Chapter XII-BA: In the following table, in left column provision is reproduced with highlight for analysis and in right column analytical remarks are made for easy understanding. Special provisions for payment of tax by certain persons other than a company w.e.f.01.04.2013 (Asst. year 2013-14 relating to PYE 31.03.2013)
Crucial words and expressions: We find the following crucial words and expressions used in provisions: In s. 115JC (1) “regular income-tax payable”, and “is less than the alternate minimum tax payable” In S. 115JD. (2) : ‘the excess of alternate minimum tax paid’ over the ‘regular income tax payable of that year’ Therefore, it appears that computation of ‘total income’ computed in regular manner and tax payable on such income that is “regular income-tax payable” is a precondition for applicability of the above provisions. In case there is no ‘total income’ and “regular income-tax payable”, the charging section 115JC (1) will not apply. In case for any year there is no “regular income-tax payable”, then ‘the excess of alternate minimum tax paid’ over the ‘regular income tax payable of that year’ cannot be computed. Because one has to deduct regular tax payable. In absence fo such regular tax payable, the provisions of S.115JD cannot be applied. Thus on overall reading of the Chapter XII- BA read with meanings of ‘gross total income’ and ‘total income’ and other relevant provisions it appears that computation of gross total income, total income and tax payable on total income and playability of “regular income-tax” are preconditions to attract applicability of Chapter XII- BA. Failing which the charging provision and computation provisions will fail and the Chapter XII- BA may not apply at all. One more important aspect is about computation provisions. The scheme of computation requires that there should be computation of income under different heads, then set off of eligible losses for the year will be made, thereafter there will be set off of past losses. Then sums of income remaining under different heads will be the ‘Gross Total income’, from the Gross Total Income one has to make deduction of deductions under Chapter VI-A. After such deductions, the remaining income can be called ‘chargeable income’ from which depreciation worked out as allowable u/s 32(1) will be deducted to the extent of chargeable income. If any portion of deprecation allowable u/s 32(1) cannot be allowed then such un-allowed portion shall be carried forward. We will find the ‘the total income’ only when there is excess of gross total income over deductions under Chapter VIA and depreciation. Otherwise there will be no ‘gross total income’ and there will be no ‘total income’ and ‘tax payable’ on such normal ‘total income’. Therefore, the process of computation will not be completed. Accordingly when computation cannot be made, as per prescribed manner, the charging section shall also not apply because the computation provisions and charging provisions are integrated code. Note: many have idea, including some rulings of Supreme Court, that depreciation is to be allowed before allowing deduction under Chapter VIA. However, in those rulings the difference of S. 32(1) – allowable depreciation and S.32(2) amount of depreciation which can be allowed depending to the extent of chargeable profits or gains ( that is total income) was not considered. The term ‘chargeable income’ as used in S.32(2) is equal to base amount on which tax can be charged, that is the total income means gross total income minus deductions under Chapter VI-A. If this view is not applied, then the expression ‘profits or gains chargeable for that previous year’ as used in S.32(2) will not be applied and depreciation shall be allowed even if there is no profits or gains chargeable for that previous year’, and that is not plain meaning of S. 32. The deductions under chapter VIA are incentives whereas depreciation allowance is a privilege and it is to be allowed in such a manner that the assessee get actual deduction against income chargeable to tax and not against notional income.
By: DEVKUMAR KOTHARI - March 6, 2014