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Home Notifications 2005 Customs Customs - 2005 Customs -Tariff IMPORTS FROM SPECIFIED COUNTRIES / AREAS This

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Extent of Tariff Concession on specified goods imported from P R China, Bangladesh, Korea R P or Sri Lanka under Bankok Agreement - 072/2005 - Customs -Tariff


  1. 50/2018–Customs - Dated: 30-6-2018 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to provide the tariff concession to the goods of the description specified in column (3) of the Table hereto annexed and falling under the Chapter.
  2. 67/2016 - Dated: 31-12-2016 - Customs -Tariff - Amendments in various Notifications
  3. 121 /2011 - Dated: 30-12-2011 - Customs -Tariff - Amends notification no. 28/1995-Cus dated 16-03-1995, 105/1999-Cus dated 10-08-1999, 26/2000-Cus dated 15-03-2000, 76/2003-Cus dated 13-05-2003, 72/2005-Cus dated 22-07-2005, 57/2009-Cus dated 30-05-2009 so as to effect HSN changes.
  4. 134/2006 - Dated: 30-12-2006 - Customs -Tariff - Amends notification no. 72/2005 dated 22-7-2005
  5. 089/2006 - Dated: 1-9-2006 - Customs -Tariff - Amendments in the notification No.72/2005-CUSTOMS, dated the 22nd July, 2005
  6. 094/06 - Dated: 31-8-2006 - Customs - Non Tariff - Reg. rules of origin on Bangkok agreement
  7. 069/2006 - Dated: 30-6-2006 - Customs -Tariff - Gives effect to SAFTA concessions (This notification amends Notification No. 236/89, 105/99,26/2000, 72/05
  8. 068/2006 - Dated: 30-6-2006 - Customs -Tariff - Gives effect to SAFTA concessions
  9. 067/2006 - Dated: 30-6-2006 - Customs -Tariff - Govt lowers Customs duty for agreed products under SAFTA
  10. 029/2006 - Dated: 20-3-2006 - Customs -Tariff - Exemption the duty of customs leviable under the First Schedule (ThisNotification amends the Notification No. 20/2006 dt. 1.3.2006)
  11. 020/2006 - Dated: 1-3-2006 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to exempt certain specified goods from special CVD leviable on imported goods
  12. 026/2000 - Dated: 1-3-2000 - Customs -Tariff - Concessional rate of duty on specified goods of Sri Lankan origin imported from Sri Lanka
  13. 105/1999 - Dated: 10-8-1999 - Customs -Tariff - Concessional rates of duties on goods when imported from SAARC countries under SAARC Preferential Trade Agreement, 1995
  14. 26/95 - Dated: 16-3-1995 - Customs -Tariff - Goods imported under Bangkok Agreement
  15. 236/1989 - Dated: 1-9-1989 - Customs -Tariff - Concessional rate of duty on Imports Under Agreement on the Global System of Trade Preferences Among Developing Countries under Belgrade Agreement, 1988





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