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Home Acts & Rules Customs Acts Customs Act, 1962 Chapters List Chapter V Levy of, and Exemption from, Customs Duties This

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Section 25 - Power to grant exemption from duty - Customs Act, 1962


  1. 02/2025 - Dated: 16-1-2025 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend Notification No. 19/2019-Customs, dated the 6th July, 2019 - Exemption to specified defense equipment and their parts imported in India by the Ministry of Defence, Government of India or the defence forces
  2. 01/2025 - Dated: 16-1-2025 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to exempt imports by the inspection team of IAEA.
  3. 50/2024 - Dated: 30-12-2024 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to give effect to the fourth tranche of tariff concessions under India-Australia ECTA.
  4. 49/2024 - Dated: 26-12-2024 - Customs -Tariff - Exemption for imports of Yellow Peas [HS 0713 10 10] from applicable BCD and AIDC - Seeks to amend Notification No. 64/2023-Customs, dated the 7th December, 2023
  5. 48/2024 - Dated: 3-12-2024 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to rescind Notification No. 32/2022-Customs dated 30th June, 2022.- It was exempting imports of Petroleum Crude and ATF from whole of the additional duty of Customs as is equivalent to the Special Additional Excise Duty leviable thereon under section 147 of the Finance Act, 2002
  6. 47/2024 - Dated: 13-11-2024 - Customs -Tariff - Effective rates of customs duty and IGST for goods imported into India - Amendment in Notification No. No. 50/2017-Customs, dated the 30th June, 2017
  7. 46/2024 - Dated: 22-10-2024 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend Export Duty on Certain Varieties of rice.
  8. 45/2024 - Dated: 30-9-2024 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend the various Customs notifications in order to align the HS Codes of the said notifications with the Finance Act, 2024, w.e.f. 01.10.2024
  9. 44/2024 - Dated: 27-9-2024 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend Export Duty on Certain Varieties of rice
  10. 42/2024 - Dated: 6-9-2024 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to rescind Notification No. 26/2011-Customs, dated 01.03.2011 - This notification was exempting the work of art imported for exhibition in a public museum or national institution
  11. 40/2024 - Dated: 29-7-2024 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend Notification No. 22/2022-Customs, dated 30.04.2022 (UAE CEPA) - Seeks to give effect to the first tranche of India UAE CEPA
  12. 39/2024 - Dated: 23-7-2024 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend notification No. 45/2017-Customs dated 30th June, 2017 in order to extend the time period of re-import.
  13. 38/2024 - Dated: 23-7-2024 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend 32 notifications in order to extend their validity to a further period and amend notification No. 153/94-Customs to extend the time period for re-export of certain foreign origin goods when imported for maintenance, repair and overhaul.
  14. 37/2024 - Dated: 23-7-2024 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend notification no. 27/2011-Customs dated 1st March, 2011 in order to amend the export duty on specified items of raw hides, skins and leather.
  15. 35/2024 - Dated: 23-7-2024 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend notification No. 8/2020-Customs dated 1st February, 2020 in order to revise Health Cess on certain items.
  16. 34/2024 - Dated: 23-7-2024 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend notification related to electronics including Nos. 25/1999-Customs, 25/2002-Customs and 57/2017-Customs
  17. 33/2024 - Dated: 23-7-2024 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend notification No. 57/2000-Customs dated 8th May 2000, which provides concessional rate for gold, silver and platinum imported under specified schemes. - Rates reduced from 9.35% to 4.35%
  18. 32/2024 - Dated: 23-7-2024 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend notification No. 11/2021-Customs dated 1st February, 2021 so as to revise Agriculture Infrastructure and Development Cess (AIDC) applicable on certain items. - AIDC on Precious Metals reduced substantially.
  19. 31/2024 - Dated: 23-7-2024 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend notification No. 22/2022-Customs dated 30th April, 2022 to revise rates under India-UAE CEPA.
  20. 30/2024 - Dated: 23-7-2024 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to further amend notification No. 50/2017-Customs dated the 30th June, 2017, so as to notify BCD related changes
  21. 29/2024 - Dated: 23-7-2024 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend notification No. 154/94-Customs dated the 13th July, 1994 which provides for duty free import of commercial samples.
  22. 28/2024 - Dated: 12-7-2024 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend notification No. 50/2017-Customs to give effect to the recommendation of the 53rd GST Council meeting.
  23. 27/2024 - Dated: 12-7-2024 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to provide exemption from Compensation Cess leviable on imports by SEZ unit or developer for authorised operations.
  24. 26/2024 - Dated: 27-6-2024 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to extend the exemption provide to imports of specified defence equipments for a further period of 5 years
  25. 25/2024 - Dated: 6-5-2024 - Customs -Tariff - Import of Gold or Silver by Banks - Exemption from IGST on import - Seeks to further amend List 34A and List 34B in the Appendix to the Table of Notification No. 50/2017-Customs dated 30.06.2017
  26. 24/2024 - Dated: 3-5-2024 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend specified customs tariff notifications to exempt applicable import duty on imports of desi chana (HS 0713 20 20) up to 31.03.2025; to impose export duty of 40% on exports of Onions (HS 0703 10); to extend the specified condition of exemption to imports of Yellow Peas (HS 0713 10 10) to bill of lading issued on or before 31.10.2024.
  27. 23/2024 - Dated: 5-4-2024 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend Notification No. 64/2023-Customs, dated the 7th December, 2023 in order to allow duty free imports of yellow peas with bill of lading issued on or before 30.06.2024
  28. 22/2024 - Dated: 2-4-2024 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to fully exempt the applicable export duty on exports of Kalanamak rice not exceeding 1000 MTs subject to the specified conditions.
  29. 21/2024 - Dated: 15-3-2024 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend notification No. 22/2022- Customs dated 30.04.2022, in order to notify third tranche of India-UAE CEPA
  30. 20/2024 - Dated: 15-3-2024 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to further amend No. 11/2018-Customs, dated the 2nd February, 2018, to exempt SWS on EVs imported under of the Ministry of Heavy Industries' Scheme to promote manufacturing of electric passenger cars in India.
  31. 19/2024 - Dated: 15-3-2024 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend No. 50/2017-Customs, dated the 30th June, 2017 to give concession to EVs imported under of the Ministry of Heavy Industries' Scheme to promote manufacturing of electric passenger cars in India.
  32. 18/2024 - Dated: 14-3-2024 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend notification No. 25/2021- Customs dated 31.03.2021, in order to notify fourth tranche of India-Mauritius CECPA
  33. 17/2024 - Dated: 14-3-2024 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend notification No. 57/2017-Customs dated 30.06.2017 so as to modify BCD rates on certain smart wearable devices
  34. 16/2024 - Dated: 12-3-2024 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to Amend Notification No. 50/2017-Customs, dated the 30th June, 2017 - The notification includes changes in the tariff classification for certain goods related to X-ray machines used in medical, surgical, dental, or veterinary fields.
  35. 14/2024 - Dated: 12-3-2024 - Customs -Tariff - Gold is exempt from the whole of the duty of customs leviable thereon, Imported by the RBI.
  36. 13/2024 - Dated: 6-3-2024 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend notification No. 50/2017- Customs dated 30.06.2017, in order to reduce the BCD on imports of meat and edible offal, of ducks, frozen, subject to the prescribed conditions, with effect from 07.03.2024.
  37. 12/2024 - Dated: 21-2-2024 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend notification No. 55/2022 - Customs, dated 31.10.2022 and notification No. 64/2023 - Customs, dated 07.12.2023, in order to remove end date on export duty on Parboiled Rice and to prescribe specified condition on imports of Yellow Peas.
  38. 11/2024 - Dated: 19-2-2024 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend Notification 11/2021-Cus dated 01.02.2021 in order to exempt AIDC on goods falling under tariff item 5201 00 25.
  39. 10/2024 - Dated: 19-2-2024 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend Notification No. 50/2017- Customs dated 30.06.2017
  40. 09/2024 - Dated: 30-1-2024 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend Notification No. 57/2017-Customs dated 30.06.2017 so as to change the applicable BCD rate on specified parts/sub-parts of cellular mobile phone
  41. 08/2024 - Dated: 30-1-2024 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend Notification No. 50/2017-Customs dated 30.06.2017 - Effective rates of customs duty and IGST for goods imported into India.
  42. 07/2024 - Dated: 29-1-2024 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend various Notifications in order to extend the validity of exemptions lapsing on 31st march 2024 up to 30th September, 2024
  43. 06/2024 - Dated: 29-1-2024 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend 50/2017-Customs in order to extend the validity of exemptions lapsing on 31st march 2024 up to 30th September, 2024
  44. 05/2024 - Dated: 22-1-2024 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend Notification No. 11/2021 dated 1st February 2021, to impose AIDC on entries falling under 7112, 7113 and 7118
  45. 04/2024 - Dated: 22-1-2024 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend Notification No. 11/2018 dated 2nd February 2018, to exempt certain entries from SWS
  46. 03/2024 - Dated: 22-1-2024 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend Notification No. 50/2017 dated 30th June 2017, to amend entry related to Spent catalysts and ash containing precious metals
  47. 02/2024 - Dated: 15-1-2024 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend notification Nos. 48/2021 and 49/2021 - Customs both dated 13.10.2021 in order to extend the existing concessional import duties on specified edible oils up to and inclusive of the 31st March 2025.
  48. 68/2023 - Dated: 29-12-2023 - Customs -Tariff - Levy of Custom duty on Specified goods when imported into Republic of India from Australia - Amendment in Notification No. 62/2022-Customs, dated the 26th December, 2022
  49. 67/2023 - Dated: 29-12-2023 - Customs -Tariff - Duty free tariff preference for Least Developed Countries - Democratic Republic of Congo, included in the list - Seeks to amend Notification No. 96/2008 Customs dated 13.08.2008
  50. 66/2023 - Dated: 22-12-2023 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to further amend No. 22/2022-Customs, dated the 30th April, 2022 to enable gold imports by valid TRQ holders under India UAE CEPA
  51. 65/2023 - Dated: 21-12-2023 - Customs -Tariff - Reduce AIDC on crude soya, sunflower and palm oils - Seeks to further amend No. 49/2021-Customs, dated the 13th October, 2021 to extend the end date to 31st March, 2025
  52. 64/2023 - Dated: 7-12-2023 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to exempt imports of Yellow Peas [HS 0713 10 10] from applicable BCD and AIDC up to 31.03.2024
  53. 63/2023 - Dated: 30-11-2023 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend notification No. 22/2022-Customs, dated the 30th April, 2022, in order to align it with changes introduced vide notification No. 72/2023-Customs (N.T.), dated 30.09.2023
  54. 62/2023 - Dated: 28-10-2023 - Customs -Tariff - Exempts export duty on Onions w.e.f. 29.10.2023 - Seeks to amend notification No. 27/2011-Customs, dated the 1st March, 2011.
  55. 61/2023 - Dated: 28-10-2023 - Customs -Tariff - Effective rate of export duty on onion - Notification prescribing rate as [40%] rescinded.
  56. 60/2023 - Dated: 19-10-2023 - Customs -Tariff - Effective rates of customs duty and IGST for goods imported into India - Foreign Going Vessel converted for a coastal run - implement recommendations made by the GST Council during its 52nd Meeting - Notification no. 50/2017-Customs as amended
  57. 59/2023 - Dated: 13-10-2023 - Customs -Tariff - Export duty exemption to specified varieties of Rice - Rate of duty shall come into force on the 1st day of April, 2024 - Notification No. 55/2022-Customs, dated the 31st October 2022 as amended
  58. 58/2023 - Dated: 9-10-2023 - Customs -Tariff - Exempts goods when imported into India from the Republic of Korea - matter concerning imports of “Ferro Molybdenum” - Notification No. 152/2009-Customs, dated the 31st December, 2009 as amended.
  59. 57/2023 - Dated: 29-9-2023 - Customs -Tariff - Export duty exemption provided on exports of Bangalore Rose Onion - Seeks to amend notification No. 55/2022-Customs dated 31.10.2022.
  60. 56/2023 - Dated: 15-9-2023 - Customs -Tariff - Exemption to specified defense equipment and their parts imported in India by the Ministry of Defence, Government of India or the defence forces - Seeks to amend Notification No. 19/2019-Customs, dated the 6th July, 2019
  61. 55/2023 - Dated: 14-9-2023 - Customs -Tariff - Graded BCD structure for wearable and hearable devices and its parts, sub-parts and sub-assembly - Amendment in Notification Nos. 11/2022-Custom and 12/2022-Custom dated 01-02-2022
  62. 54/2023 - Dated: 14-9-2023 - Customs -Tariff - Effective rates of customs duty and IGST for goods imported into India -Notification No. 50/2017-Customs, dated the 30th June, 2017 as amended.
  63. 53/2023 - Dated: 5-9-2023 - Customs -Tariff - Effective rates of customs duty and IGST for goods imported into India - Seeks to amend Notification No. 50/2017-Customs, dated the 30th June, 2017
  64. 52/2023 - Dated: 5-9-2023 - Customs -Tariff - Effective rates of customs duty and IGST for goods imported into India - entries substituted for goods (other than old and used) for use in the textile industry - Notification No. 50/2017-Customs, dated the 30th June, 2017 amended.
  65. 51/2023 - Dated: 31-8-2023 - Customs -Tariff - Exemption to LPG, Liquified Propane and Liquified Butane from levy of AIDC - Amendment to Notif. 11/2021-Customs, dated the 1st February, 2021.
  66. 50/2023 - Dated: 25-8-2023 - Customs -Tariff - Export duty exemption to specified varieties of Rice - Conditional exemption on Rice parboiled - Seeks to amend notification No. 55/2022-Customs dated 31.10.2022.
  67. 48/2023 - Dated: 19-8-2023 - Customs -Tariff - Exemption to Onions when exported out on India in excess of amount calculated at the rate of duty specified [40%]
  68. 46/2023 - Dated: 26-7-2023 - Customs -Tariff - Certain notifications in order to implement recommendation of GST COUNCIL in its 50th meeting.
  69. 45/2023 - Dated: 1-7-2023 - Customs -Tariff - Effective rate of Agriculture Infrastructure and Development Cess for specified goods - Seeks to amend notification No. 11/2021-Customs dated 01.02.2021 in order to prescribe the AIDC rate for liquified Propane and liquified Butane.
  70. 44/2023 - Dated: 1-7-2023 - Customs -Tariff - Effective rates of customs duty and IGST for goods imported into India - Prescribe a concessional BCD on liquified Propane and liquified Butane - Seeks to amend notification No. 50/2017 -Customs dated 30.06.2017.
  71. 42/2023 - Dated: 30-6-2023 - Customs -Tariff - Prescribe AIDC Rate for LPG - Seeks to amend notification no. 11/2021-Customs dated 01.02.2021.
  72. 41/2023 - Dated: 30-6-2023 - Customs -Tariff - Prescribe BCD rate for LPG - Effective rates of customs duty - Seeks to amend notification no. 50/2017-Customs dated 30.06.2017.
  73. 39/2023 - Dated: 14-6-2023 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to reduce BCD on crude and refined soya, sunflower and palm oils -Notification No. 48/2021-Customs, dated the 13th October, 2021 amended.
  74. 38/2023 - Dated: 23-5-2023 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend Australia FTA notification to make changes in tariff preference given to Coking Coal and Raw Cotton arising out of Finance Act, 2023
  75. 37/2023 - Dated: 10-5-2023 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to allow imports of Crude Soya-bean Oil and Crude Sunflower Oil at zero Basic Customs Duty and zero Agriculture Infrastructure and Development Cess for TRQ license holders for FY 2022-23 up to the 30th June, 2023.
  76. 36/2023 - Dated: 29-4-2023 - Customs -Tariff - Exemption to specified goods being imported - Effective rate of duty (concessional rate of duty) on certain goods imported - Seeks to amend the various Customs Tariff notifications in order to align the HS Codes of the said notifications with the Finance Act, 2023, w.e.f. 01.05.2023
  77. 33/2023 - Dated: 27-4-2023 - Customs -Tariff - Exemption from Customs Duty - Graded BCD structure for hearable / wearable devices and its parts, sub-parts and subassembly - Amendment in Notification Nos. 11/2022-Custom and 12/2022-Custom dated 01-02-2022
  78. 32/2023 - Dated: 26-4-2023 - Customs -Tariff - Amending Customs Notifications to implement the "Amnesty Scheme for one time settlement of default in export obligation by Advance and EPCG authorization holders" notified by DGFT
  79. 31/2023 - Dated: 20-4-2023 - Customs -Tariff - Export duty exemption to specified varieties of Rice subject to the prescribed condition(s) - Goods meant for export to Nepal, when exported through the customs station - Seeks to further amend notification No. 55/2022 - Customs, dated 31.10.2022, in order to substitute the word “Sonauli or Nepalgunj Road” for the word “Sonauli”.
  80. 30/2023 - Dated: 10-4-2023 - Customs -Tariff - Export duty exemption to specified varieties of Rice subject to the prescribed condition(s) - Seeks to amend notification No. 55/2022- Customs, dated 31.10.2022, in order to exempt Rice in the husk (paddy or rough), of seed quality, from export duty of 20%
  81. 25/2023 - Dated: 1-4-2023 - Customs -Tariff - Materials imported into India against a valid Duty Free Import Authorisation issued by the Regional Authority - Implementation of Duty Free Import Authorisation Scheme under Foreign Trade Policy, 2023
  82. 24/2023 - Dated: 1-4-2023 - Customs -Tariff - Implementation of Advance Authorisation Scheme for export of prohibited goods under Foreign Trade Policy, 2023 - exempts materials imported into India against an Advance Authorisation issued under Foreign Trade Policy meant for export of a prohibited item.
  83. 23/2023 - Dated: 1-4-2023 - Customs -Tariff - Implementation of Advance Authorisation Scheme for annual requirement under Foreign Trade Policy, 2023, 2023 - Exempts materials imported into India, against a valid Advance Authorisation for Annual Requirement with actual user condition issued by the Regional Authority from the whole of the duty of customs leviable thereon.
  84. 22/2023 - Dated: 1-4-2023 - Customs -Tariff - Implementation of Advance Authorisation Scheme for deemed export under Foreign Trade Policy, 2023, 2023 - Exempts materials required for the manufacture of the final goods when imported into India.
  85. 21/2023 - Dated: 1-4-2023 - Customs -Tariff - Implementation of Advance Authorisation Scheme under Foreign Trade Policy, 2023 - Exempts materials required for the manufacture of the final goods when imported into India, from whole of the duty of customs leviable thereon.
  86. 20/2023 - Dated: 31-3-2023 - Customs -Tariff - Effect to the first tranche of India UAE CEPA - Amendment in Notification No. 22/2022-Customs, dated the 30th April, 2022
  87. 19/2023 - Dated: 31-3-2023 - Customs -Tariff - Exemption to specified imports into Republic of India from Republic of Mauritius - Implementation of India-Mauritius Comprehensive Economic Cooperation and Partnership Agreement (CECPA)- Amendment in Notification No. 25/2021-Customs, dated the 31st March, 2021
  88. 18/2023 - Dated: 29-3-2023 - Customs -Tariff - Exemption notifications for medical, surgical, dental or veterinary uses - Seeks to amend notification 8/20120-Customs, dated 02.02.2020 to continue/provide health cess exemption on import of goods for use in the manufacture of X-ray machines
  89. 17/2023 - Dated: 29-3-2023 - Customs -Tariff - Effective rates of customs duty and IGST for goods imported into India - continue/provide BCD exemption on import of specific items - Seeks to amend notification 50/2017-Customs dated 30.06.2017.
  90. 16/2023 - Dated: 3-3-2023 - Customs -Tariff - Effective rates of Customs duty and IGST for goods imported into India - Seeks to amend notification No. 50/2017- Customs, dated 30.06.2017, in order to reduce the BCD on Tur Whole to Nil.
  91. 15/2023 - Dated: 3-3-2023 - Customs -Tariff - Global Tariff Rate Quota (TRQ) to Crude Sunflower Oil and Crude Soyabean Oil -Seeks to amend notification No. 30/2022- Customs, dated 24.05.2022, in order to discontinue the specified TRQ rate after the 31st March 2023.
  92. 14/2023 - Dated: 28-2-2023 - Customs -Tariff - Custom Exemption to containers of durable nature - Exemption for device such as tag, tracking device or data logger already affixed on the container at the time of import - Seeks to amend notification no. 104/94-Customs, dated 16.03.1994
  93. 13/2023 - Dated: 23-2-2023 - Customs -Tariff - Effective rates of customs duty and IGST for goods imported into India - Seeks to exempt BCD on ships/ vessels for breaking up. Seeks to amend notification No. 50/2017-Customs, dated the 30th June, 2017
  94. 12/2023 - Dated: 1-2-2023 - Customs -Tariff - Providing specific end date to exemption notifications - Seeks to amend 32 notifications in order to provide a specific end date for these notifications.
  95. 11/2023 - Dated: 1-2-2023 - Customs -Tariff - Extension of validity of 3 Custom tariff notifications up to the 31st March, 2028 - Seeks to amend the notification Nos. 90/2009-Customs, dated the 7th September, 2009, 33/2017-Customs, dated the 30th June, 2017, and 41/2017-Customs, dated the 30th June, 2017 to extend the
  96. 10/2023 - Dated: 1-2-2023 - Customs -Tariff - Exemption to Specified sports goods imported by National Sports Federation or by a Sports person of outstanding eminence for training - extend the exemption benefit to Warm blood horse for equestrian sports and extend the validity of said notification up to the 31st March, 2028 - Seeks to further amend notification No. 146/94-Customs, dated the 13th July, 1994.
  97. 09/2023 - Dated: 1-2-2023 - Customs -Tariff - Exemption to gold, silver and platinum imported under specified schemes - Replenishment under the Scheme for ‘Export through Exhibitions/Export Promotion Tours/Export of Branded Jewellery’ - Amount of duty for gold and silver both changed to 9.35% - Seeks to further amend notification No. 57/2000-Customs.
  98. 08/2023 - Dated: 1-2-2023 - Customs -Tariff - Effect to the first tranche of India UAE CEPA - India-UAE Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement - Seeks to further amend notification No. 22/2022-Customs.
  99. 06/2023 - Dated: 1-2-2023 - Customs -Tariff - Customs exemption related to specified goods when imported into India for use in the manufacture of the finished goods and goods used by the IT/ Electronics industry - Seeks to further amend notification Nos. 25/1999-Customs, 25/2002-Customs and 57/2017.
  100. 05/2023 - Dated: 1-2-2023 - Customs -Tariff - Exempttion to Gold imports from Social Welfare Surcharge and Social Welfare Surcharge leviable on Agriculture Infrastructure and Development Cess on Gold and Silver - Seeks to rescind notification Nos. 13/2021-Customs and 34/2022-Customs.
  101. 04/2023 - Dated: 1-2-2023 - Customs -Tariff - Revise/provide Social Welfare Surcharge (SWS) exemption(s) on specified goods - Seeks to further amend notification No. 11/2018-Customs, dated 2nd February, 2018.
  102. 03/2023 - Dated: 1-2-2023 - Customs -Tariff - Effective rate of Agriculture Infrastructure and Development Cess for specified goods - levy/exempt AIDC on certain items - Seeks to further amend notification No. 11/2021-Customs dated 1st February, 2021.
  103. 02/2023 - Dated: 1-2-2023 - Customs -Tariff - Effective rates of customs duty and IGST for goods imported into India - Revise/provide exemption(s) on the specified goods - Seeks to further amend notification No. 50/2017-Customs, dated the 30th June, 2017.
  104. 01/2023 - Dated: 13-1-2023 - Customs -Tariff - Exemption to COVID -19 vaccines from basic Custom duty till 31st March, 20213
  105. 63/2022 - Dated: 27-12-2022 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to give effect to the fourteenth and final tranche of tariff concessions under India ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement.
  106. 62/2022 - Dated: 26-12-2022 - Customs -Tariff - Levy of Custom duty on Specified goods when imported into Republic of India from Australia.
  107. 61/2022-Customs - Dated: 25-11-2022 - Customs -Tariff - Amend certain specific FTA/PTA notifications.
  108. 60/2022 - Dated: 18-11-2022 - Customs -Tariff - Effective rate of Agriculture Infrastructure and Development Cess for specified goods - withdrawal AIDC exemption on Anthracite,PCI Coal and Coking Coal - Seeks to amend Notification 11/2021-Customs, dated the 1st February, 2021.
  109. 59/2022 - Dated: 18-11-2022 - Customs -Tariff - Effective rates of customs duty and IGST for goods imported into India - withdrawal BCD exemption on Anthracite and PCI Coal, Coke & Semi coke and ferronickel - Seeks to amend Notification No. 50/2017-Customs, dated the 30th June, 2017.
  110. 58/2022 - Dated: 18-11-2022 - Customs -Tariff - Effective rate of export duty - Withdrawal export duty on iron ore & steel products - Seeks to amend Notification No. 27/2011- Customs, dated the 1st March, 2011.
  111. 57/2022 - Dated: 17-11-2022 - Customs -Tariff - Exemption from BCD for the motor car if imported by the Governor of the state.
  112. 56/2022 - Dated: 1-11-2022 - Customs -Tariff - Effective rates of customs duty and IGST for goods imported into India - Seeks to amend notification No. 50/2017-Customs, dated the 30th June, 2017
  113. 55/2022 - Dated: 31-10-2022 - Customs -Tariff - Export duty exemption to specified varieties of Rice subject to the prescribed condition(s).
  114. 53/2022 - Dated: 3-10-2022 - Customs -Tariff - Effective rate of Agriculture Infrastructure and Development Cess for specified goods - change in basic customs duty on imports of platinum - Amendment in Notif. No. 11/2021- Customs, dated the 1st February, 2021.
  115. 52/2022 - Dated: 3-10-2022 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to increase basic customs duty on imports of platinum - Amendment in Notification No. 50/2017-Customs, dated the 30th June, 2017
  116. 51/2022 - Dated: 28-9-2022 - Customs -Tariff - Implementation of India-Mauritius Comprehensive Economic Cooperation and Partnership Agreement (CECPA) - Seeks to amend Notification No. 25/2021-Customs, dated the 31st March, 2021
  117. 50/2022 - Dated: 27-9-2022 - Customs -Tariff - Effective rates of customs duty and IGST for goods imported into India - Some entries substituted and inserted - Seeks to further amend notification No. 50/2022-Customs, dated the 30th June, 2017
  118. 48/2022 - Dated: 7-9-2022 - Customs -Tariff - Exemption to gold, silver and platinum imported under specified schemes - Amendment to fourth and fifth provio - Notification No. 57/2000-Customs,dated the 8th May, 2000 amended.
  119. 47/2022 - Dated: 7-9-2022 - Customs -Tariff - Custom duty and whole of the additional duty exemptions to gold/silver/platinum, alloys imported into India by nominated agencies, status holders - intend to follow procedure as applicable in the Customs (Import of Goods at Concessional Rate of Duty) Rules, 2017 - Seeks to amend Notification No. 56/2000-Customs,dated the 5th May, 2000
  120. 46/2021 - Dated: 31-8-2022 - Customs -Tariff - Extends the existing concessional import duties on specified edible oils up to and inclusive of the 31st March, 2023 - Restrict the reduced rate of AIDC on 3 item till 1-10-2022 - Seeks to amend notification Nos. 48/2021 and 49/2021 - Customs, both dated 13.10.2021
  121. 45/2022 - Dated: 31-8-2022 - Customs -Tariff - Exemption from Additional duty on specified goods by designated airlines when imported from specified countries - amendment in few entries - Seeks to further amend notification no. 130/2010-Customs dated 23rd December, 2010
  122. 44/2022 - Dated: 23-7-2022 - Customs -Tariff - Reduction in duty / AIDC on crude soya, sunflower and palm oils - Seeks to amend Notification No. 49/2021-Customs, dated the 13th October, 2021.
  123. 43/2022 - Dated: 20-7-2022 - Customs -Tariff - Effect to first tranche of India UAE CEPA - Enable TRQ holders to import gold through IIBX under TRQ mechanism of India-UAE CEPA - Seeks to amend notification No. 22/2022-Customs, dated 30.04.2022.
  124. 42/2022 - Dated: 13-7-2022 - Customs -Tariff - Withdrawal of exemption from IGST on import - Seeks to amend Notification No. 51/96-Customs, dated the 23rd July, 1996 - Exemption to research equipments imported by public funded research institutions or a university of an Indian Institute of Technology or Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore or Regional Engineering College, non commercial institutions etc
  125. 41/2022 - Dated: 13-7-2022 - Customs -Tariff - Scope of exemption to persons who can import under this scheme - Seeks to amend Notification No. 19/2019- Customs, dated the 6th July, 2019 - Exemption to specified defense equipment and their parts imported in India by the Ministry of Defence, Government of India or the defence forces
  126. 40/2022 - Dated: 13-7-2022 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend notification No. 50/2017-Customs - DEC tablet and S. No. 404 Petrol operations. - Effective rates of customs duty and IGST for goods imported into India
  127. 39/2022 - Dated: 12-7-2022 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend notification No. 50/2017-Customs with respect to the tariff heading referring to the open cells for use in manufacture of TV Panels of heading 8524
  128. 38/2022 - Dated: 4-7-2022 - Customs -Tariff - BCD and AIDC on Raw Cotton - Seeks to amend Notification No. 21/2022 dated 13 April 2022
  129. 37/2022 - Dated: 30-6-2022 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to continue the exemption from Integrated Tax and Compensation Cess on goods imported under AA/EPCG/EOU Schemes
  130. 36/2022 - Dated: 30-6-2022 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to increase BCD rate on Gold imported under TRQ of India-UAE CEPA
  131. 35/2022 - Dated: 30-6-2022 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to increase the rate applicable under BCD exemption on Gold imported under replenishment scheme
  132. 33/2022 - Dated: 30-6-2022 - Customs -Tariff - Effective rates of customs duty and IGST for goods imported into India - Customs duty on import of Gold - Seeks to amend Notification No. 50/2017-Customs, dated the 30th June, 2017
  133. 32/2022 - Dated: 30-6-2022 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to exempt imports of Petroleum Crude and ATF from whole of the additional duty of Customs leviable thereon under sub-section (1) of section 3 of the said Customs Tariff Act, as is equivalent to the Special Additional Excise Duty.
  134. 31/2022 - Dated: 7-6-2022 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend notification no. 50/2017-Customs dated 30.06.207 extending the time period for furnishing the final Mega power project certificate from 120 months to 156 months and extending the period of validity of security in the form of Fixed Deposit Receipt or Bank Guarantee from 126 months to 162 months, in case of provisional mega power projects
  135. 30/2022 - Dated: 24-5-2022 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to provide global Tariff Rate Quota (TRQ) of 20 LMT per FY to Crude Sunflower Oil and Crude Soyabean Oil for 2 years exempting from whole of BCD and AIDC
  136. 29/2022 - Dated: 21-5-2022 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend notification No. 27/2011 dated 1st March, 2011 to increase export duty on certain goods.
  137. 27/2022 - Dated: 21-5-2022 - Customs -Tariff - Effective rate of Agriculture Infrastructure and Development Cess for specified goods - Seeks to further amend notification No. 11/2021- Customs dated 1 st February, 2021 to reduce duty on Anthracite/Coking Coal
  138. 26/2022 - Dated: 21-5-2022 - Customs -Tariff - Effect rate of Customs Duty on import of goods - Seeks to further amend notification No. 50/2017- Customs dated 30th June, 2017.
  139. 25/2022 - Dated: 21-5-2022 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend Notification No. 18/2019-Customs reducing Road and Infratructure Cess (RIC) on Petrol and Diesel.
  140. 24/2022 - Dated: 30-4-2022 - Customs -Tariff - Exemption to specified goods from the whole of levy of Social Welfare Surcharge. - Seeks to amend the notification No. 11/2018 Customs to align the HS Codes with the Finance Act, 2022, w.e.f 01.05.2022
  141. 23/2022 - Dated: 30-4-2022 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend the various Customs Tariff notifications in order to align the HS Codes of the said notifications with the Finance Act, 2022, w.e.f. 01.05.2022
  142. 21/2022 - Dated: 13-4-2022 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to prescribe BCD and AIDC on Raw Cotton for a specified period.
  143. 20/2022 - Dated: 6-4-2022 - Customs -Tariff - Amendment to the Notification No. 40/2015-Customs dated 21.07.2015 to substitute the name of M/s International Institute of Diamond Grading & Research India Pvt Ltd by M/s De Beers India Pvt Ltd
  144. 19/2020 - Dated: 31-3-2022 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to extend the exemption from Integrated Tax and Compensation Cess upto 30.06.2022 on goods imported against AA/EPCG authorizations
  145. 18/2022 - Dated: 31-3-2022 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend Notification No. 52/2003-Customs, dated the 31st March, 2003
  146. 17/2022 - Dated: 31-3-2022 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend notification No. 25/2021-Customs, dated 31-03-2021 to give effect to 2nd tranche of tariff concessions as per India Mauritius CECPA
  147. 16/2022 - Dated: 12-2-2022 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend Notification Nos. 48/2021-Customs, dated the 13th October, 2021 and 49/2021-Customs, dated the 13th October, 2021
  148. 15/2022 - Dated: 1-2-2022 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend various notifications giving exemption to electronic items and medical devices.
  149. 14/2022 - Dated: 1-2-2022 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend notification No. 25/1999-Customs dated 28.02.1999 to omit redundant and obsolete entries
  150. 13/2022 - Dated: 1-2-2022 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to implement a graded BCD structure for smart meters and its parts, sub-parts and sub-assembly
  151. 12/2022 - Dated: 1-2-2022 - Customs -Tariff - Implement a graded BCD structure for hearable devices and its parts, sub-parts and subassembly.
  152. 11/2022 - Dated: 1-2-2022 - Customs -Tariff - Implement a graded BCD structure for wearable devices and its parts, sub-parts and sub-assembly.
  153. 10/2022 - Dated: 1-2-2022 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend notification No. 27/2011-Customs dated 01.03.2011 to omit redundant entries and reduce export duty raw hides and skins of buffalo.
  154. 09/2022 - Dated: 1-2-2022 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend notification Nos. 146/94-Customs, 147/94-Customs, 39/96-Customs, 50/96-Customs, 30/2004-Customs, 81/2005-Customs, 5/2017-Customs, 16/2017-Customs, 32/2017-Customs to prescribe end-dates as per Section 25(4A) of Customs Act, 1962
  155. 08/2022 - Dated: 1-2-2022 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend Notification Nos. 104/2010-Customs, 38/96-Customs, 40/2017-Customs, 60/2011-Customs, 148/94-Customs to exempt AIDC/Health cess/RIC on goods imported under the said notifications.
  156. 07/2022 - Dated: 1-2-2022 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to further amend Notification No. 82/2017-Customs dated 27.10.2017 to prescribe effective rate on certain Textile items upto 30.04.2022
  157. 06/2022 - Dated: 1-2-2022 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to further amend Notification Nos. 52/2017-Customs dated 30.06.2017 and 37/2017-Customs dated 30.06.2017 to remove entries which are being operated from the First Schedule to the Customs Tariff Act and certain redundant entries.
  158. 05/2022 - Dated: 1-2-2022 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to rescind Notification Nos. 10/95-Customs, 26/99-Customs, 27/2004-Customs, 14/2006-Customs, 48/2006-Customs, 90/2007-Customs, 8/2011-Customs, 24/2011-Customs, 49/2013-Customs, 23/2014-Customs, 37/2015-Customs, 11/2016-Customs, 20/2020-Customs, 40/2020-Customs which have become redundant.
  159. 03/2022 - Dated: 1-2-2022 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to further amend notification No. 11/2018-Customs dated 2nd February, 2018 so as to exempt certain goods from Social Welfare Surcharge (SWS) and to withdraw SWS exemption on certain textile items.
  160. 02/2022 - Dated: 1-2-2022 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to further amend notification No. 50/2017-Customs dated 30th June, 2017 so as to prescribe effective rate of Basic Customs Duty (BCD)
  161. 01/2022 - Dated: 18-1-2022 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to exempt BCD and IGST on goods imported for the purpose of AFC Women's Asian Cup India, 2022
  162. 61/2021 - Dated: 31-12-2021 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend Notification No. 45/2021-Customs, dated the 29th September, 2021
  163. 60/2021 - Dated: 30-12-2021 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend FTA/PTA notification to align with HSN 2022 w.e.f. 1.1.2022
  164. 58/2021 - Dated: 29-12-2021 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend notification no. 11/2018-Customs to align with HSN 2022 w.e.f. 1.1.2022
  165. 57/2021 - Dated: 29-12-2021 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend various notifications giving exemption to electronic and defense equipment to align with HSN 2022 w.e.f. 1.1.2022
  166. 56/2021 - Dated: 29-12-2021 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend notification no. 82/2017-Customs to align with HSN 2022 w.e.f. 1.1.2022
  167. 55/2021 - Dated: 29-12-2021 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend notification no. 50/2017-Customs to align with HSN 2022 w.e.f. 1.1.2022
  168. 54/2021 - Dated: 24-12-2021 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to further amend notification No. 46/2011-Customs dated 01-06-2011 to give effect to 13th tranche of preferential tariff as per ASEAN India Trade in Goods Agreement (AITIGA)
  169. 53/2021 - Dated: 20-12-2021 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to reduce BCD on Refined palm oil and its fractions from 17.5% to 12.5% till 31.03.2022
  170. 52/2021 - Dated: 3-11-2021 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend Notification No. 18/2019-Customs reducing Road and Infratructure Cess (RIC) on Petrol and Diesel
  171. 51/2021 - Dated: 22-10-2021 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend notification No. 25/2021 - Customs dated 31.03.2021
  172. 50/2021 - Dated: 22-10-2021 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend notification No. 96/2008-Customs, dated the 13th August, 2008
  173. 49/2021 - Dated: 13-10-2021 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to reduce AIDC on crude soya, sunflower, palm oils, Lentil and Bengal gram
  174. 48/2021 - Dated: 13-10-2021 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to reduce BCD on crude and refined soya, sunflower, palm oils and Bengal gram
  175. 47/2021 - Dated: 30-9-2021 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to implement GST Council recommendation on IGST on imports related to goods from Antarctica and Border haats.
  176. 46/2021 - Dated: 30-9-2021 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend Notification No. 50/2017-Customs, dated the 30th June, 2017
  177. 45/2021 - Dated: 29-9-2021 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to exempt COVID-19 vaccines from basic Custom duty till 30th June, 2022.
  178. 44/2021 - Dated: 17-9-2021 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend Notification No. 50/2017-Customs, dated the 30th June, 2017
  179. 43/2021 - Dated: 10-9-2021 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to rescind the notification No. 34/2021- Customs dated 29.06.2021.
  180. 42/2021 - Dated: 10-9-2021 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend the notification No. 50/2021-Customs dated 30.06.2017 and notification No. dated 11/2021 dated 01.02.2021 in order to reduce and rationalise the import duties on Palm, Sunflower and Soya-bean oils .
  181. 41/2021 - Dated: 30-8-2021 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend notification No. 28/2021-Customs to extend the exemptions under the said notification up to 30th September, 2021.
  182. 40/2021 - Dated: 19-8-2021 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to Amend Notification No. 34/2021-Customs, dated the 29th June, 2021
  183. 39/2021 - Dated: 19-8-2021 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend notification No. 57/2000-Customs dated 08.05.2000 providing for extension of last date of export by six months, for those cases where the last date of export falls between 01.02.2021 and 30.06.2021.
  184. 38/2021 - Dated: 26-7-2021 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amendment in Notification Nos. 50/2017- Customs, dated the 30th June, 2017 and Notification No. 11/2021-Customs, dated the 1st February, 2021
  185. 37/2021 - Dated: 19-7-2021 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend notification No. 46/2017-Customs dated 30th June, 2017, to clarify leviability of IGST, on recommendation of the GST Council.
  186. 36/2021 - Dated: 19-7-2021 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend notification No. 45/2017-Customs dated 30th June, 2017, to clarify leviability of IGST, on recommendation of the GST Council.
  187. 35/2021 - Dated: 12-7-2021 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to exempt basic customs duty on imports of specified API/ excipients for Amphotericin B and raw materials for manufacturing COVID test kits, till specified period.
  188. 34/2021 - Dated: 29-6-2021 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to reduce the basic custom duty on Crude Palm Oil [1511 10] and Palm Oil other than Crude Palm Oil [1511 90] till 30th September 2021.
  189. 33/2021 - Dated: 14-6-2021 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to rescind notification No. 30/2021-Customs, dated 01.05.2021.
  190. Ad hoc Exemption ORDER No. 5/2021 - Dated: 31-5-2021 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend Ad hoc Exemption Order No. 4/2021-Customs dated the 3rd May, 2021, to extend the exemption from IGST on imports of specified COVID-19 relief material donated from abroad, up to 31st August, 2021.
  191. 32/2021 - Dated: 31-5-2021 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to exempt IGST on imports of specified COVID-19 relief material subject to specified conditions, up to 31st August, 2021
  192. 31/2021 - Dated: 31-5-2021 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend Notification No. 28/2021-Customs, dated the 24th April, 2021
  193. Ad hoc Exemption Order No. 4/2021-Customs - Dated: 3-5-2021 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to exempt IGST on imports of specified COVID-19 relief material donated from abroad, up to 30th June, 2021.
  194. 30/2021 - Dated: 1-5-2021 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to reduce IGST on Oxygen Concentrators when imported for personal use.
  195. 29/2021 - Dated: 30-4-2021 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend notification No. 27/2021-Customs to exempt customs duty on import of specified Inflammatory Diagnostic (markers) kits, up to 31st October, 2021
  196. 28/2021 - Dated: 24-4-2021 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to exempt customs duty and health cess on import of oxygen, oxygen related equipment and COVID-19 vaccines, up to 31st July, 2021
  197. 27/2021 - Dated: 20-4-2021 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to exempt customs duty on import of Remdesivir injection, Remdesivir API and Beta Cyclodextrin (SBEBCD) used in the manufacture of Remdesivir, up to 31st October, 2021.
  198. 26/2021 - Dated: 8-4-2021 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend customs notifications to make changes consequential to enactment of Finance Act, 2021
  199. 25/2021 - Dated: 31-3-2021 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to notify implementation of India-Mauritius Comprehensive Economic Cooperation and Partnership Agreement (CECPA).
  200. 24/2021 - Dated: 31-3-2021 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend notification No. 52/2017-Customs, dated 30-06-2017 to make changes consequent to enactment of Finance Act, 2021.
  1. Customs Act, 1962
  2. Section 7 - Appointment of customs ports, airports, etc - Customs Act, 1962
  3. Section 6 - Entrustment of functions of Board and customs officers on certain other officers - Customs Act, 1962
  4. Section 4 - Levy of duty where standard rate and preferential rate are specified - Customs Tariff Act, 1975
  5. Section 28H - Application for advance ruling - Customs Act, 1962
  6. Section 27 - Claim for refund of duty. - Customs Act, 1962
  7. Section 159 - Rules, certain notifications and orders to be laid before Parliament - Customs Act, 1962
  8. Section 104 - Retrospective effect to notification issued under sub-section (1) of section 25 of Customs Act, read with sub-section (12) of section 3 of Customs Tariff Act. - Finance (No. 2) Act, 2024
  9. Rule 3 - Definition - Customs (Import of Goods at Concessional Rate of Duty) Rules, 2017.
  10. Rule 3 - Definition - Customs (Import of Goods at Concessional Rate of Duty for Manufacture of Excisable Goods) Rules, 2016.
  11. Rule 2 - Definitions - Customs (Administration of Rules of Origin under Trade Agreements) Rules, 2020
  12. Rule 2 - Application - Customs (Import of Goods at Concessional Rate of Duty) Rules, 2017.
  13. Rule 2 - Application - Customs (Import of Goods at Concessional Rate of Duty for Manufacture of Excisable Goods) Rules, 2016.
  14. Rule 2 - Application - Customs (Import of Goods at Concessional Rate of Duty for Manufacture of Excisable Goods) Rules, 1996
  15. Rule 11 - Application of safeguard measures - India-Singapore Trade Agreement (Safeguard Measures) Rules, 2009
  16. Rule 11 - Application of safeguard measure. - India-ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement (Safeguard Measures) Rules, 2016
  17. Rule 11 - Application of bilateral safeguard measure - India-Korea Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (Bilateral Safeguard Measures) Rules, 2017
  18. Rule 11 - Application of bilateral safeguard measure - India-Malaysia Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (Bilateral Safeguard Measures) Rules, 2017
  19. Rule 11 - Application of bilateral safeguard measure - India-Japan Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (Bilateral Safeguard Measures) Rules, 2017
  20. Rule 1 - Short title and commencement. - India-Singapore Trade Agreement (Safeguard Measures) Rules, 2009
  21. Rule 1 - Short title and commencement - India-Korea Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (Bilateral Safeguard Measures) Rules, 2017
  22. Rule 1 - Short title and commencement - India-Malaysia Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (Bilateral Safeguard Measures) Rules, 2017
  23. Rule 1 - Short title and commencement - India-Japan Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (Bilateral Safeguard Measures) Rules, 2017
  24. Rule 1 - Short title and commencement - India-ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement (Safeguard Measures) Rules, 2016
  25. Circular No. 22/2021 - Dated: 30-9-2021 - Rebate of State and Central Taxes and Levies (RoSCTL) Scheme on export of apparel/garments/made-ups w.e.f. 01.01.2021
  26. Circular No. 7/2021 - Dated: 22-2-2021 - Clarification regarding payment of Agriculture Infrastructure and Development Cess (AIDC) by EOU under various situations and amendment to Circular no. 35/2016-Customs dated...
  27. Circular No. 17/2020 - Dated: 3-4-2020 - Measure to facilitate trade during the lockdown period - section 143AA of the Customs Act, 1962
  28. Circular No. 4/2020 - Dated: 21-1-2020 - Clarification relating to import of gifts
  29. Circular No. 48/2017 - Dated: 8-12-2017 - Clarification on Customs (Import of Goods at Concessional Rate of Duty) Rules, 2017-reg.
  30. Circular No. Authority of Advance Rulings - Dated: 7-6-2006 - Scheme of Advance Rulings for Non-Resident & Specified Resident Investors, under Indian Central Excise, Customs and Service Tax Provisions
  31. Circular No. 25/2017 - Dated: 30-6-2017 - Customs (Import of Goods at Concessional Rate of Duty) Rules, 2017-Implementation thereof-reg.
  32. Circular No. 9/2014 - Dated: 19-8-2014 - Guidelines for considering request for exemption from payment of Customs Duty under Section 25(2) of Customs Act, 1962.
  33. Circular No. 41/2013 - Dated: 21-10-2013 - Applicable CVD on Steam Coal imported from Indonesia under FTA notification No. 46/2011-Customs-reg.
  34. Circular No. 10/2013 - Dated: 6-3-2013 - Post Export EPCG duty credit scrip(s) Scheme and certain other changes related to Foreign Trade Policy 2009-14
  35. Circular No. 23/2012 - Dated: 30-8-2012 - Applicable rate of CVD on imported Fertilizers-regarding.
  36. Circular No. 23/2010 - Dated: 29-7-2010 - Refund of 4% Additional Duty of Customs (4% CVD) in pursuance of Notification No.102/2007-Customs dated 14.9.2007 - Disposal of claims in respect of cases where assessments are provisional -...
  37. Circular No. Draft F.No.450/54/2008-Cus.IV - Dated: 6-5-2009 - Draft - Regulations for Courier imports and exports through electronic declaration and processing in specified Customs stations - regarding.
  38. Circular No. 10/2007 - Dated: 13-2-2007 - Exemption from customs duty under Section 25(2) of the Customs Act, 1962 and guidelines thereof under Circular no.49/2003 dated 10th June 2003- import by Government bodies-...
  39. Circular No. 21/05 - Dated: 6-4-2005 - Admissibility of DEPB benefits in respect of supply of goods from the Units in Domestic Tariff Area (DTA) to Units in Special Economic Zone ( SEZ) during the period from 01.04.2003 to 11.5.2004-...
  40. Circular No. 49/03 - Dated: 10-6-2003 - Guidelines for considering request for exemption from payment of Customs Duty under Section 25(2) of Customs Act, 1962
  41. Circular No. 18/03 - Dated: 24-3-2003 - Guidelines for considering request for exemption from payment of customs duty under Section 25(2) of Customs Act, 1962
  42. Circular No. 81/01 - Dated: 12-12-2001 - Exemption from Customs Duty under Section 25(2) Of The Customs Act, 1962 - guidelines for consideration of requests in the matter





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