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Home Notifications 2005 Customs Customs - 2005 Customs -Tariff IMPORTS FROM SPECIFIED COUNTRIES / AREAS This

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Exemption to specified goods of the origin of Republic of Singapore, when imported into India from Republic of Singapore - 074/2005 - Customs -Tariff


  1. 36/2023 - Dated: 29-4-2023 - Customs -Tariff - Exemption to specified goods being imported - Effective rate of duty (concessional rate of duty) on certain goods imported - Seeks to amend the various Customs Tariff notifications in order to align the HS Codes of the said notifications with the Finance Act, 2023, w.e.f. 01.05.2023
  2. 23/2022 - Dated: 30-4-2022 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend the various Customs Tariff notifications in order to align the HS Codes of the said notifications with the Finance Act, 2022, w.e.f. 01.05.2022
  3. 60/2021 - Dated: 30-12-2021 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend FTA/PTA notification to align with HSN 2022 w.e.f. 1.1.2022
  4. 11/2021 - Dated: 1-2-2021 - Customs -Tariff - Effective rate of Agriculture Infrastructure and Development Cess for specified goods prescribed.
  5. 08/2020 - Dated: 2-2-2020 - Customs -Tariff - Respective exemption notifications for medical, surgical, dental or veterinary uses. - Exemption from the whole of the Health Cess.
  6. 36/2019 - Dated: 30-12-2019 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend Customs Tariff notifications so as to align them with amended Customs Tariff.
  7. 67/2016 - Dated: 31-12-2016 - Customs -Tariff - Amendments in various Notifications
  8. 34/2012-Customs - Dated: 14-5-2012 - Customs -Tariff - Seeks to amend notification no. 74/2005-Customs - Exemption to specified goods of the origin of Republic of Singapore, when imported into India from Republic of Singapore.
  9. 69/2009 - Dated: 19-6-2009 - Customs -Tariff - Amends Notification Nos. 74/2005-Customs, and 75/2005-Customs both dated the 22nd July, 2005
  10. 45/2008 - Dated: 9-4-2008 - Customs -Tariff - Amends notification no. 74/2005 and 75/2005 both dated 22-57-2005 - Exemption to specified goods of the origin of Republic of Singapore, when imported into India from Republic of Singapore
  11. 049/2007 - Dated: 29-3-2007 - Customs -Tariff - Amendment in Notification No. 74/2005 and 75/2005-Customs dt 22-07-05-(Exemption to specified goods of the origin of Republic of Singapore, when imported into India from Republic of Singapore)
  12. 136/2006 - Dated: 30-12-2006 - Customs -Tariff - Amends notification no. 74/2005 dated 22-7-2005
  13. 038/2006 - Dated: 28-4-2006 - Customs -Tariff - Exemption for import of 2500 items from Singapore
  14. 059/05 - Customs (N.T.) - Dated: 20-7-2005 - Customs - Non Tariff - Makes the Rules
  15. 236/1989 - Dated: 1-9-1989 - Customs -Tariff - Concessional rate of duty on Imports Under Agreement on the Global System of Trade Preferences Among Developing Countries under Belgrade Agreement, 1988





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