TMI BlogMarine Products Exports from India Fetches a Foreign Exchange of USD 5.5 Billion in 2014-15X X X X Extracts X X X X X X X X Extracts X X X X ..... Marine Products Exports from India Fetches a Foreign Exchange of USD 5.5 Billion in 2014-15 X X X X Extracts X X X X X X X X Extracts X X X X ..... .06 302132.60 10.69 USD in '0000 551111.85 500769.75 10.05 Unit Value (USD/Kg) 5.24 5.09 2.99 Major items of export Frozen shrimp continued to be the major export item in the export basket in terms of quantity and value, accounting for a share of 34.01 % in quantity and 67.19% of the total USD earnings. Shrimp exports during the period increased by 18.60%, 16% and 15.54% in quantity, rupee value and USD value respectively. However unit value realization decreased to 10.38 USD/Kg from 10.65 in 2013-14, a negative growth of 2.59%. The overall export of shrimp during 2014-15 was to the tune of 3,57,505 MT worth USD 3,709.76 million. USA is the largest market (1, 12,702 MT) for frozen shrimp exports in quantity terms followe ..... X X X X Extracts X X X X X X X X Extracts X X X X ..... d by European Union (81,952 MT), South East Asia (69,068MT) and Japan (30,434 MT). The contribution of cultured shrimp to the total shrimp export is 76.45% in terms of USD. The export of cultured shrimp has shown positive growth of 21.66% in quantity and 15.53% in USD terms. During 2014 -15 shrimp aquaculture has shown a tremendous growth (30.64%) and achieved highest production (4,34,558 MT). Production of L. Vannamei increased by 41% to 3,53,413 MT. Black Tiger production remained stagnant at 71400 MT. Scampi production increased by 32% to 7989 MT. Major shrimp producing states have shown positive growth - Andhra Pradesh 2,79,727 MT (+31%), Tamil Nadu 32,785 MT (+20%), Gujarat 30156 MT (+182%), Maharashtra 4426 MT (+113%), Orissa 2253 ..... X X X X Extracts X X X X X X X X Extracts X X X X ..... 9 MT (+56.13%). The export of Vannamei has shown positive growth of 2,22,176 MT from 1,75,071 MT and USD 2372.80 Million from 1,994.27 million, compared to 2013-14. The export of Vannamei recorded a growth of 26.90% in quantity and 18.98% in USD terms. About 42.77 % of total Vannamei shrimp was exported to USA followed by 20.46% to South East Asian countries, 17.45% to EU, 4.55% to Middle East and 4.18 % to Japan in terms quantity. Export of Black Tiger shrimp has picked up from negative growth during 2013-14 to a positive growth of 0.64% during 2014-15. The downward trend in unit value realization for L.Vannamei in USA and other markets started during December 2014. The price has dropped from 7.60 USD/pound during November 2014 to 6.95 ..... X X X X Extracts X X X X X X X X Extracts X X X X ..... USD/pound during December 2014. The trend continued till the end of March 2015. It has recorded lowest of 5.90 USD/pound during March 2015. Hence even though export of total shrimp increased by 18.61% in quantity, USD realization value has recorded only 15.55% increase. Fish, is the second largest export item, accounting for a share of about 29.44% in quantity and 11.24% in USD earnings. Fr. Fish shown negative growth of 4.60%, 12.02% and 12.55% in terms of quantity, rupee value and USD terms. Unit value realization of Fr., fish also decreased by 8.34%. Fr. Cuttlefish recorded a growth of 20.09% in quantity, 32.17% in rupee value, and 31.81% in USD terms. Unit value realization also increased by 9.76%. Export of Fr. Squid has shown neg ..... X X X X Extracts X X X X X X X X Extracts X X X X ..... ative growth of 20.44%, 26.37% and 26.27% in terms of Quantity, Rupee Value in and USD terms. It has also shown decrease in unit value realization by 7.33%. Dried item have shown a positive growth in terms of quantity by 3.89% and in Rupee term by 1.22%, but it has shown negative growth in USD terms by 1.41%. Live items exports have increased by 8.03%, 6.97% and 2.25% in quantity, rupee value and USD realization respectively compared to the previous year. Chilled items have shown 59% increase in quantity. Unit value realization reduced by more than 25%. Other items like Surimi & Analogue products have shown a growth of 14.41%, 31.75%, 29% in quantity, Rupees and USD terms respectively. Export of Value added products during 2014-15 has b ..... X X X X Extracts X X X X X X X X Extracts X X X X ..... een increased to 95,436 MT from 84,549 MT with a growth of 12.88% and to 746.59 Million USD from 634.67 Million USD with a growth of 17.63 %. The major contributor to the export of value added item is Value Added Shrimp items with a share of 63.54% in quantity terms and 75.37% in USD terms. EU is the biggest destination for the value added items. About 42.06% of total Value added products been exported to EU during 2014-15 in terms of quantity and 32.82% in terms of USD followed by USA, South East Asia, Middle East, China and Japan. The share of value added products to the total export is 9.07 % in quantity terms and 13.54 % in USD terms. The details of major items of exports are given in the following table: Item wise Exports- 2014-15 ..... X X X X Extracts X X X X X X X X Extracts X X X X ..... Q: Quantity in Tons, V: Value in Rs. Crores, $: US Dollar in Millions ITEM Share % 2014-15 2013-14 Growth(%) FROZEN SHRIMP Q: 34.01 357505 301435 18.60 V: 67.19 22468.12 19368.30 16.00 $: 67.31 3709.76 3210.94 15.54 UV$: 10.38 10.65 -2.59 FROZEN FISH Q: 29.44 309434 324359 -4.60 V: 11.30 3778.50 4294.81 -12.02 $: 11.24 619.66 708.63 -12.55 UV$: 2.00 2.18 -8.34 FR CUTTLE FISH Q: 7.83 82353 68577 20.09 V: 5.48 1833.21 1386.98 32.17 $: 5.46 300.69 228.13 31.81 UV$: 3.65 3.33 9.76 FR SQUID Q: 6.62 69569 87437 -20.44 V: 3.81 1275.25 1731.97 -26.37 $: 3.81 209.84 284.60 -26.27 UV$: 3.02 3.25 -7.33 DRIED ITEM Q: 6.71 70544 67901 3.89 V: 3.02 1010.16 998 ..... X X X X Extracts X X X X X X X X Extracts X X X X ..... .01 1.22 $: 3.00 165.52 167.89 -1.41 UV$: 2.35 2.47 -5.10 LIVE ITEMS Q: 0.52 5488 5080 8.03 V: 0.90 301.51 281.85 6.97 $: 0.90 49.62 46.70 6.25 UV$: 9.04 9.19 -1.65 CHILLED ITEMS Q: 2.99 31404 19755 58.97 V: 1.90 635.93 527.84 20.48 $: 1.90 104.71 88.48 18.34 UV$: 3.33 4.48 -25.55 OTHERS Q: 11.89 124947 109212 14.41 V: 6.40 2138.94 1623.50 31.75 $: 6.38 351.31 272.34 29.00 UV$: 2.81 2.49 12.75 TOTAL Q: 100.00 1051243 983756 6.86 V: 100.00 33441.61 30213.26 10.69 $: 100.00 5511.12 5007.70 10.05 UV$: 5.24 5.09 2.99 Major export markets USA is the largest market for Indian seafood products with a share of 26.46% in terms of USD followed by South East As ..... X X X X Extracts X X X X X X X X Extracts X X X X ..... ia (25.71%), European Union (20.08%), Japan (9.11%), other countries (8.58%), Middle East (6.04%) and China (4.02%). Exports to USA had registered a growth of 16.94% in quantity and 13.39% in USD realization and are mainly attributed to the export of Fr. Shrimp which showed a growth of about 17.49% in volume and 12.87% in USD terms. Exports of Vannamei shrimp showed increase in US market by 21.71 % in quantity and 15.44% in USD realization. Exports to South East Asian Countries have shown positive growth by 7.86%, 7.14% and 7.26% in terms of Quantity, Rupee value and USD terms respectively. Exports to European Union have shown growth of 7.64%, 9.56%& 9.22% in terms of Quantity, Rupee, & USD respectively. Export to Japan registered incre ..... X X X X Extracts X X X X X X X X Extracts X X X X ..... ase in terms of USD by 22.23%. Export of Frozen Shrimp increased by 5.97% in quantity terms and 11.32 % in USD terms. Export to Middle East countries has shown good growth of 11.32%, 26.35% and 22.17% in terms of Quantity, Value and USD terms respectively. Export to China has decreased drastically. The export has registered negative growth of 21.46%, 23.64% and 24.45% in terms of quantity, rupee value and US dollar terms. All products including Fr. Shrimps, Fr. Fish, Fr. Squid, Fr. Cuttle Fish etc has registered negative growth. Export of L. Vannamei decreased significantly by 47.45% in quantity and 44.82% in US dollar terms. The weaker economic condition in China has lead to decrease in overall export to China. The details on major mark ..... X X X X Extracts X X X X X X X X Extracts X X X X ..... ets for Indian marine products are given in the following table: Market wise Exports - 2014-15 Q: Quantity in Tons, V: Value in Rs. Crores, $: US Dollar in Millions Country Share % 2014-15 2013-14 Growth (%) JAPAN Q: 7.49 78772 71484 10.20 V: 9.09 3040.26 2463.83 23.40 $: 9.11 502.29 410.95 22.23 USA Q: 12.33 129667 110880 16.94 V: 26.41 8830.12 7744.67 14.02 $: 26.46 1458.24 1286.04 13.39 EUROPEAN UNION Q: 17.89 188031 174686 7.64 V: 20.08 6715.58 6129.69 9.56 $: 20.08 1106.67 1013.28 9.22 CHINA Q: 5.66 59519 75783 -21.46 V: 4.03 1349.00 1766.72 -23.64 $: 4.02 221.44 293.12 -24.45 SOUTH EAST ASIA Q: 38.99 409931 380061 7.86 V: 25.78 8620.85 8046.59 7.14 $: ..... X X X X Extracts X X X X X X X X Extracts X X X X ..... 25.71 1416.82 1320.95 7.26 MIDDLE EAST Q: 6.15 64608 58040 11.32 V: 6.04 2020.86 1599.37 26.35 $: 6.04 333.10 272.65 22.17 OTHERS Q: 11.48 120716 112823 7.00 V: 8.57 2864.93 2462.40 16.35 $: 8.58 472.56 410.71 15.06 Total Q: 100.00 1051243 983756 6.86 V: 100.00 33441.61 30213.26 10.69 $: 100.00 5511.12 5007.70 10.05 Major Port wise Exports: Marine products were exported through 30 different sea/air/land ports. Exports improved from Vizag, Kochi, JNP, Calcutta, Tuticorin, Krishnapatnam, and Mangalore compared to the corresponding period during the last year. Pipavav is the major port in terms of quantity (25.27%) and Vizag is the major port in terms of USD (22.59%). Outlook for 2015-16 ..... X X X X Extracts X X X X X X X X Extracts X X X X .....
MPEDA envisages export of marine products worth USD 6.6 billion during the year 2015-16. Increased production of L. Vannamei shrimp, diversification of Aquaculture species particularly of Tilapia and Mangrove crab, Quality control measures and increase in infrastructure facilities for production of value added items are expected to help in achieving this target X X X X Extracts X X X X X X X X Extracts X X X X