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Circular on Go Green Initiative in Mutual Funds

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..... sset Value (NAV) and sale / repurchase prices: a. Mutual Funds/ AMCs shall prominently disclose the NAVs of all schemes under a separate head on their respective website and on the website of Association of Mutual Funds in India (AMFI). Further, Mutual Funds/ AMCs shall extend facility of sending latest available NAVs to unitholders through SMS, upon receiving a specific request in this regard. b. In partial modification to SEBI Circular No.MFD/CIR No.11/171/01 dated February 09, 2001; all references to the term "and sale/repurchase prices" stands deleted. c. Pursuant to the amendment to Regulation 48 (2) of SEBI (Mutual Funds) Regulations, 1996; paragraph 3 regarding publication of NAVs in newspapers, of SEBI Circular No.SEBI/IMD/CIRNo. .....

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..... letter enclosing self-addressed envelope enabling unitholders to 'opt-in' within 30 days, to continue receiving a physical copy of the scheme-wise annual report or abridged summary thereof. d. To ensure that unitholders get sufficient opportunity to communicate their preference of 'opt-in' or 'opt-out' with respect to receiving the annual report or abridged summary thereof in physical copy, Mutual Funds/ AMCs shall conduct one more round of similar exercise for those unitholders who have not responded to the 'opt-in' communication as stated at paragraph c above, after a period of not less than 30 days from the date of issuance of the first communication. Further, a period of 15 days from the date of issuances of the second communi .....

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..... m the close of each month/ half-year respectively in a user-friendly and downloadable spreadsheet format. 1 (b) In case of unitholders whose e-mail addresses are registered, the Mutual Funds/ AMCs shall send via email both the monthly and half-yearly statement of scheme portfolio within 10 days from the close of each month/ half-year respectively. 1 (c) Mutual Funds/ AMCs shall publish an advertisement every half-year disclosing the hosting of the half-yearly statement of its schemes portfolio on their respective website and on the website of AMFI and the modes such as SMS, telephone, email or written request (letter) through which a unitholder can submit a request for a physical or electronic copy of the statement of scheme portfolio. Su .....

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