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2024 (6) TMI 177

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..... statutorily provided - Appeal is dismissed for non prosecution in terms of Rule 20 of CESTAT Procedure Rules, 1982. - HON BLE MR. SANJIV SRIVASTAVA , MEMBER ( TECHNICAL ) Request for Adjournment , for the Appellant Shri Manish Raj and Shri A. K. Choudhary , Authorised Representative for the Respondent ORDER SANJIV SRIVASTAVA: In this matter Counsel has requested for adjournment, which cannot be accepted. This appeal has been listed for hearing on 17.08.2023, 22.09.2023, 08.03.2024, 21.03.2024 and for today. The Counsel for the appellant either in person or through the letter has only sought for adjournments in the matter. The text of the order sheets on the previous three occasions is reproduced below: DATE OF HEARING : 22/09/2023 ORDER SHEET In view of the written request received from the learned counsel for the Appellant, the hearing of the appeal is adjourned. List on 23.10.2023. DATE OF HEARING : 08/03/2024 ORDER SHEET In view of the written request for adjournment received from the learned counsel for the Appellant, being adjournment for the third time is not appropriate. In the interest of justice the hearing of the appeal is adjourned. List on 27th March, 2024. Last oppor .....

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..... 2013. That thereafter despite the repeated adjournments sought and granted by the court and even twice the adjournments were granted as a last opportunity and even the cost was imposed, the defendant failed to cross examine the plaintiff s witness. Although the adequate liberty was given to the defendant to cross examine the plaintiff s witness, they never availed of the same and went on delaying the proceedings by repeated prayers of adjournment and unfortunately the Trial Court and even subsequently the High Court continued to grant adjournment after adjournment and as such contributed the delay in disposal of the suit which as such was for eviction. Such approach is wholly condemnable. Law and professional ethics do not permit such practice. Repeated adjournments on one or the other pretext and adopting the dilatory tactics is an insult to justice and concept of speedy disposal of cases. Petitioner defendant acted in a manner to cause colossal insult to justice and to concept of speedy disposal of civil litigation. 5. Grant of repeated adjournments in routine manner and how it affects ultimately the justice delivery system as such came to be considered by this court in catena of .....

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..... nce the community, as a whole, is concerned in the criminal being condignly and finally punished within a reasonable time and the innocent being absolved from the inordinate ordeal of criminal proceedings. 5.3 In the case of Noor Mohammed v. Jethanand and Anr. (2013) 5 SCC 202, using very harsh words and condemning the repeated adjournments sought by the lawyers and granted by the courts, this court has observed in paragraph 1, 12, 13, 27 and 28 as under: 1. In a democratic body polity which is governed by a written Constitution and where the Rule of Law is paramount, the judiciary is regarded as sentinel on the qui vive not only to protect the fundamental rights of the citizens but also to see that the democratic values as enshrined in the Constitution are respected and the faith and hope of the people in the constitutional system are not atrophied. Sacrosanctity of the Rule of Law neither recognises a master and a slave nor does it conceive of a ruler and a subject but, in quintessentiality, encapsules and sings in glory of the values of liberty, equality and justice in accordance with law requiring the present generation to have the responsibility to sustain them with all fairne .....

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..... ford to sit in an ivory tower. Neither a Judge nor a lawyer can ignore the total push and pressure of the cosmos . It is devastating to expect infinite patience. Change of attitude is the warrant and command of the day. We may recall with profit what Justice Cardozo had said : It is true, I think, today in every department of the law that the social value of a rule has become a test of growing power and importance. [ Benjamin N. Cardozo, The Nature of Judicial Process (Cosimo Inc., 2009) 73] 13. It has to be kept in mind that the time of leisure has to be given a decent burial. The sooner it takes place, the better it is. It is the obligation of the present generation to march with the time and remind oneself every moment that the rule of law is the centripodal concern and delay in delineation and disposal of cases injects an artificial virus and becomes a vitiating element. The unfortunate characteristics of endemic delays have to be avoided at any cost. One has to bear in mind that this is the day, this is the hour and this is the moment, when all soldiers of law fight from the path. One has to remind oneself of the great saying, Awake, Arise, O Partha . 27. The anguish expressed .....

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..... expects a reasoned verdict from a temperate Judge but does not intend to and, rightly so, to guillotine much of time at the altar of reasons. Timely delivery of justice keeps the faith ingrained and establishes the sustained stability. Access to speedy justice is regarded as a human right which is deeply rooted in the foundational concept of democracy and such a right is not only the creation of law but also a natural right. This right can be fully ripened by the requisite commitment of all concerned with the system. It cannot be regarded as a facet of Utopianism because such a thought is likely to make the right a mirage losing the centrality of purpose. Therefore, whoever has a role to play in the justice dispensation system cannot be allowed to remotely conceive of a casual approach. 5.4 In the aforesaid decision, this court also considered the role of advocate in the justice delivery system and considered the earlier decisions in paragraphs 17 to 22 which read as under: 17. In Ramon Services (P) Ltd. v. Subhash Kapoor [(2001) 1 SCC 118 : 2001 SCC (Cri) 3 : 2001 SCC (L S) 152 : AIR 2001 SC 207] , after referring to a passage from Mahabir Prasad Singh v. Jacks Aviation (P) Ltd. .....

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..... from day to day. Having accepted the brief, he will be committing a breach of his professional duty, if he so fails to attend. 20. In Mahabir Prasad Singh [(1999) 1 SCC 37 : AIR 1999 SC 287], the Bench, laying emphasis on the obligation of a lawyer in his duty towards the Court and the duty of the Court to the Bar, has ruled as under: (SCC p. 44, paras 1718) 17. A lawyer is under obligation to do nothing that shall detract from the dignity of the court of which he is himself a sworn officer and assistant. He should at all times pay deferential respect to the Judge, and scrupulously observe the decorum of the courtroom. [Warevelle's Legal Ethics, p. 182] 18. Of course, it is not a unilateral affair. There is a reciprocal duty for the court also to be courteous to the members of the Bar and to make every endeavour for maintaining and protecting the respect which members of the Bar are entitled to have from their clients as well as from the litigant public. Both the Bench and the Bar are the two inextricable wings of the judicial forum and therefore the aforesaid mutual respect is sine qua non for the efficient functioning of the solemn work carried on in courts of law. But that .....

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..... trust and confidence of the litigants in the justice delivery system. Many a times, the task of adjournments is used to kill Justice. Repeated adjournments break the back of the litigants. The courts are enjoying upon to perform their duties with the object of strengthening the confidence of common man in the institution entrusted with the administration of the justice. Any effort which weakens the system and shake the faith of the common man in the justice dispensation has to be discouraged. Therefore the courts shall not grant the adjournments in routine manner and mechanically and shall not be a party to cause for delay in dispensing the justice. The courts have to be diligence and take timely action in order to usher in efficient justice dispensation system and maintain faith in rule of law. We are also aware that whenever the trial courts refused to grant unnecessary adjournments many a times they are accused of being strict and they may face displeasure of the Bar. However, the judicial officers shall not worry about that if his conscience is clear and the judicial officer has to bear in mind his duties to the litigants who are before the courts and who have come for justice .....

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