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2024 (8) TMI 196

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..... Asset Classification and provisioning pertaining to Advances issued to the banks by the RBI, had made certain changes in the said Framework, in consultation with the Central Government and issued revised Framework along with the operating Instructions vide the Communication dated 17th March, 2016, addressed to all the Scheduled Commercial Banks. It cannot be gainsaid that the Banking Regulation Act 1949 basically seeks to regulate banking business and mandates a statutory comprehensive and formal structure of banking regulation and supervision in India. Section 21 and Section 35A of the said Act empower the Reserve Bank of India to frame the policy and give directions to the banking companies in relation to the advances to be followed by the banking companies. Such directions have got to be read as supplement to the provisions of the Banking Regulation Act and accordingly are required to be construed as having statutory force and mandatory. What is contemplated in the Framework for Revival and Rehabilitation of MSMEs contained in the Instructions/ Directions stated hereinabove, is required to be followed prior to the classification of the borrower s account, (in the instant case MS .....

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..... o as the MSMED Act ), have challenged the impugned common order dated 11.01.2024 passed by the High Court of Judicature at Bombay in Writ Petition (L) No. 20100 of 2023 and Others, whereby the High Court has dismissed the said Writ Petitions by holding that the Banks/ Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) are not obliged to adopt the restructuring process as contemplated in the Notification dated 29th May, 2015 issued by the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, on its own without there being any application by the Petitioners/ MSMEs. The High Court without expressing any opinion on the merits or the factual aspects of the writ petitions granted leave to the Appellants Writ Petitioners to agitate the other issues by adopting alternative remedies as may be available to them under the law. 3. The learned Counsels for the parties in the instant Appeals have also restricted their submissions only to the said issue decided by the High Court, without addressing other issues on the facts and merits involved in the writ petitions. 4. The Appellants who were the Writ Petitioners before the High Court had basically challenged the actions of the Respondents Banks/ NBFCs taken by .....

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..... fication of borrower s account as NPA are two independent subjects and therefore it can not be interpreted that unless the procedure under the said Notification for restructuring is adopted, the appellants accounts could not have been classified as NPAs. According to them, the Instructions issued under Section 9 of the MSMED Act are mere directory and not mandatory nor do they have any statutory force. 6. Before delving into the issue involved in the instant appeals as to whether the Notification dated 29.05.2015 issued by the Central Government in exercise of the powers conferred under Section 9 of the MSMED Act, as revised from time to time, is mandatory or directory, let us have a glance over the relevant provisions of the MSMED Act. It may be noted that the very object and purpose of the MSMED Act is to provide for facilitating the promotion and development and enhancing the competitiveness of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises and for matters connected therewith and incidental thereto. Section 9 thereof empowers the Central Government to take measures for the purpose of facilitating such promotion and development and enhancing competitiveness of MSMEs by specifying the progra .....

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..... it thinks fit, subject to which the modification or cancellation shall have effect. 9. Thus, Section 21 read with Section 35A makes it clear that the directions issued by the Reserve Bank of India to the Banking companies are binding on them and they are bound to comply with such directions. 10. As stated earlier, the whole controversy in the instant appeals centers around the Notification dated 29.05.2015 issued by the Central Government in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 9 of the MSMED Act. The said Notification contains the Instructions for the Framework for Revival and Rehabilitation of MSMEs . The relevant part thereof with regard to the identification of the incipient stress and the committees for stressed MSMEs being relevant are reproduced hereunder: - NOTIFICATION S.O.(E). 1432 In exercise of the powers conferred in section 9 of the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006, the Central Government, for the purpose of facilitating the promotion and development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, hereby notifies the instructions for the Framework for Revival and Rehabilitation of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (hereinafter referred to as .....

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..... ethod of recovery shall be in accordance with the existing policies approved by the board of directors of the bank which has extended credit facilities to the enterprise, subject to any regulations prescribed by the Reserve Bank of India. 3-16 ... . 11. The RBI in order to make the said Framework contained in the Notification dated 29.05.2015 compatible with the existing regulatory guidelines on Income Recognition, Asset Classification and provisioning pertaining to Advances issued to the banks by the RBI, had made certain changes in the said Framework, in consultation with the Central Government and issued revised Framework along with the operating Instructions vide the Communication dated 17th March, 2016, addressed to all the Scheduled Commercial Banks. 12. It is pertinent to note that in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 21 and 35A of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949, the Reserve Bank of India, after having being satisfied that it was necessary and expedient in the public interest to do so, had issued the Master Direction, called the Reserve Bank of India [Lending to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) Sector] Directions, 2016, vide the Notification dated 21st .....

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..... ny MSME borrower may also voluntarily initiate proceedings under this Framework. iii) Committee approach to be adopted for deciding corrective action plan. iv) Time lines have been fixed for taking various decisions under the Framework. 13. In view of the above, it is absolutely clear that the Instructions for the Framework for Revival and Rehabilitation of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises as notified by the Central Government vide the Notification dated 29th May, 2015 in exercise of the powers conferred under Section 9 of the MSMED Act, as revised by the RBI Notification dated 17th March, 2016, and the Master Directions i.e. the Reserve Bank of India (Lending to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Sector) Directions, 2016, issued by the Reserve Bank of India in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 21 and 35(A) of the Banking Regulation Act, having statutory force, are binding to all Scheduled Commercial Banks, licensed to operate in India by the Reserve Bank of India, as stated in the said Directions. It cannot be gainsaid that the Banking Regulation Act 1949 basically seeks to regulate banking business and mandates a statutory comprehensive and formal structure of banki .....

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..... e loan account of MSME as NPA. 16. We may hasten to add that under the Framework for Revival and Rehabilitation of MSMEs , the banks or creditors are required to identify the incipient stress in the account of the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, before their accounts turn into non-performing assets, by creating three sub-categories under the Special Mention Account Category, however, while creating such sub-categories, the Banks must have some authenticated and verifiable material with them as produced by the concerned MSME to show that loan account is of a Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise, classified and registered as such under the MSMED Act. The said Framework also enables the Micro, Small or Medium Enterprise to voluntarily initiate the proceedings under the said Framework, by filing an application along with the affidavit of an authorized person. Therefore, the stage of identification of incipient stress in the loan account of MSMEs and categorization under the Special Mention Account category, before the loan account of MSME turns into NPA is a very crucial stage, and therefore it would be incumbent on the part of the concerned MSME also to produce authenticated and ve .....

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