TMI BlogInsolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Grievance and Complaint Handling Procedure) (Amendment) Regulations, 2025X X X X Extracts X X X X X X X X Extracts X X X X ..... ocedure) (Amendment) Regulations, 2025. F. No. IBBI/2024-25/GN/REG119.--In exercise of the powers conferred under sections 196, 217 read with section 240 of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (31 of 2016), the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India hereby makes the following regulations further to amend the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Grievance and Complaint Handling Procedu ..... X X X X Extracts X X X X X X X X Extracts X X X X ..... ty./937/2024-25] Note: The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Grievance and Complaint Handling Procedure) Regulations, 2017 were published vide Notification No. IBBI/2017-18/GN/REG/21 dated 06th December, 2017 in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part III, Section 4, No. 461 dated 07th December, 2017 and were last amended by the IBBI (Grievance and Complaint Handling Procedure) (Amendme ..... X X X X Extracts X X X X X X X X Extracts X X X X