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‘Make in India Logo’

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..... ‘Make in India Logo’
By: - YAGAY andSUN
Other Topics
Dated:- 10-3-2025
The "Make in India" logo is a distinctive symbol designed to represent the Indian government's initiative aimed at encouraging both local and international businesses to manufacture their products in India. The logo was unveiled on September 25, 2014, by the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, to promote the country's manufacturing sector and boost economic growth. Key Features of the Make in India Logo: * Lion Symbol: * The logo prominently features the Lion of Ashoka, which is a national emblem of India. * The lion is depicted in a geometrical, modernized, and stylized form, making it more contemporary and appealing to a global audience. .....

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..... * The lion represents strength, courage, and the rich cultural heritage of India. * Typography: * The logo uses a bold and modern sans-serif typeface for the words "Make in India," making it clean, clear, and easily recognizable. * The text is typically in black or white, depending on the background, with the words positioned below or beside the lion. * Colour Scheme: * The logo often uses a golden or amber colour for the lion, which adds a sense of prestige and signifies India's rich history and culture. * The combination of gold with the dark typography gives it a professional and high-impact look, symbolizing India's potential in the global market. * Message and Purpose: * The "Make in India" campaign aims to make I .....

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..... ndia a global manufacturing hub and attract foreign investment. * It focuses on encouraging both domestic and international companies to manufacture their products in India, which in turn will create jobs and boost the economy. Steps to Seek Permission for Using the "Make in India" Logo: * Understand the Guidelines: * Before requesting permission, you should familiarize yourself with the official "Make in India" logo usage guidelines. The guidelines provide detailed instructions on how and where the logo can be used. * The logo should be used only in contexts that align with the objectives of the Make in India campaign, such as promoting manufacturing, business, and industrial growth in India. * Application Process: * To use th .....

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..... e Make in India logo, you may need to submit a formal application to DPIIT, requesting permission for usage. * The application should include details about the context and purpose of usage, such as promotional material, events, campaigns, etc. * Contact DPIIT: * You can reach out to the DPIIT through their official website or through the Ministry of Commerce and Industry for guidelines on obtaining permission. * DPIIT may ask you to provide additional documentation or a justification for why you wish to use the logo. * Email and Official Communication: * You can email the DPIIT at their official email address (which is typically available on the government portal), explaining your request for permission. * Make sure to include .....

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..... all relevant details about your planned use of the logo and how it aligns with the objectives of the "Make in India" initiative. * Await Approval: * After reviewing your application, DPIIT will grant or deny permission based on the nature of your request and the compliance with their usage guidelines. * If permission is granted, you will likely receive specific instructions on how to correctly use the logo in accordance with the guidelines. Where to Find More Information: * You can visit the official Make in India website or the DPIIT website to find more details about the logo and its usage rules. The guidelines often cover how to display the logo, acceptable colour variations, and other design elements. * It is crucial to foll .....

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..... ow these rules and obtain the necessary permissions to avoid any legal complications. * Prohibition for Using the "Make in India" Logo: * Unapproved Use on Products: * The Make in India logo cannot be used directly on individual commodities, products, goods, or merchandise unless they are officially associated with or endorsed by the initiative. * It cannot be placed on products or packaging merely to imply that they were made in India unless the product or company is part of a recognized or official initiative supporting the campaign. * Exclusivity of Use: * The logo is primarily meant for promotional purposes related to the Make in India campaign, such as go .....

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..... vernment-backed events, promotional materials, and branding that directly relate to the objective of promoting India as a global manufacturing hub. * Private companies or individuals cannot use the logo on their products unless they are authorized or have been granted specific permission by the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT). * Misleading Implications: * Using the logo on products that are not manufactured under the "Make in India" initiative or do not have a genuine link to promoting India's manufacturing sector can be considered misleading and may result in legal consequences. * The logo cannot be used in a way that may confuse or mislead consumers into believing a product is part of the official M .....

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..... ake in India campaign when it is not. * Brand and Logo Usage Guidelines: * The use of the "Make in India" logo on commercial products requires strict adherence to the guidelines issued by DPIIT. The guidelines provide detailed rules on how the logo should be displayed, its size, color, and placement. * Unauthorized use of the logo can lead to legal action by the government, including cease-and-desist orders, fines, or other penalties. * Restricted for Commercial Promotion: * The Make in India logo is not intended for use by companies or brands on their everyday products or goods for commercial purposes unless they are explicitly approved by the government for such usage. * For example, using the logo on merchandise such as cloth .....

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..... ing, stationery, or promotional items (like bags, pens, etc.) may require separate clearance. * Official Endorsement Required: * Companies or entities wishing to use the Make in India logo on their products or packaging must apply for permission from the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT). Permission is granted only when the use aligns with the objectives of the initiative, such as promoting manufacturing and investment in India. Conclusion: * The Make in India logo has become a powerful symbol of India's ambition to transform itself into a world-leading manufacturing destination. It is widely used in promotional materials, advertisements, and initiatives related to this campaign. * You can find the log .....

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..... o online or from official government portals for usage and branding purposes, though it may be subject to guidelines or restrictions based on its use. * To use the "Make in India" logo, you need permission from the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT), which is the governing body for the initiative. The logo is a copyrighted property of the Government of India, and its use is regulated to ensure it is only used in the appropriate context to support the "Make in India" campaign. * The "Make in India" logo is a powerful symbol of the Indian government's initiative to promote manufacturing within the country, but it cannot be used indiscriminately on commodities, products, goods, or merchandise without adhering t .....

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..... o specific guidelines set by the government * In essence, using the "Make in India" logo on products, goods, or merchandise is prohibited unless authorized by the government. It must not be used to imply that a product is part of the official initiative unless it meets the necessary criteria and approval process. This restriction helps ensure that the logo is used responsibly and only in contexts that truly support the objectives of the campaign. *** GOVERNMENT OF INDIA Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion BE-III Division F. No.: 5(46)/2014-BE-III                               .....

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..... ;                           Date: December 12th, 2016    Subject: Guidelines for permitting the use of "Make in India" logo - regarding 1. The Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion (DIPP), Government of India has launched extensive international & domestic media campaigns under the "Make in India" initiative. The "Make in India" Logo and other related proprietary material are valuable assets of DIPP. By using "Make in India" Logo, in whole or in part, the user is acknowledging that DIPP is the sole owner of the trademark and promising that user will not interfere with DIPP‟s rights and .....

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..... will not harm, misuse, or bring into disrepute the "Make in India" Logo. Accordingly, the policy for use of "Make in India" Logo by various Government/ Semi Government/ Private Authorities has been approved by the competent authority in DIPP:  Use of "Make in India" Logo will be allowed without any permission for the following categories: - * All establishments, offices and officers of the DIPP, Government of India.  * All Central Government Ministries/Departments and Departments of State Governments/UT Administrations for use in programmes directly organized by them. * The Use of "Make in India" Logo by Indian Embassies/Missions abroad will be permissible for events, brochures, publicity material and advertisements tha .....

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..... t Promote the "Make in India" initiative and are sponsored/supported by the Embassies/Mission For the following events, use of the "Make in India" logo may be allowed with prior approval of the DIPP, Government of India: - * All Central Government Ministries/Departments/PSUs and Departments of State Governments/UT Administrations for programmes conducted in association with industry bodies like CII/FICCI/ASSOCHAM/PHDCCI etc.  * All events for which financial support is extended by the DIPP, Government of India.  * For a specified period, for events organized by private bodies that promote the "Make in India" initiative.  Use of logo for Events, Publications, Websites / Portals * Permission for use of the "Make in .....

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..... India" logo for categories covered by paras II & III above would be considered on merit of the case, with particular emphasis on the following: * nature and importance of the event  * profile / track record of the organisers  * profile of participants and delegates  * other deliverables offered by way of exhibition space at the venue, * distribution of DIPP‟s publicity material in the delegate kits, etc. * Requests for use of the "Make in India" logo on publications, websites / portals would be considered only if the publications, websites / portals are related to approved * sectors under "Make in India". Such requests would be considered on merit of each case.  Requests for use of the "Make in Indi .....

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..... a" logo by individuals would be considered if such requests promote the "Make in India" cause. Such requests would be considered on merit of each case.  Use of logo for programmes on Electronic Media (i) Requests received for use of the "Make in India" logo for programmes on electronic media, such as debates, discussions or any other would be considered on merit of each case, keeping in view the following: * nature of the programme  * profile / track record of the producers of the programme  * target audience  * contents of the programme and inclusion of manufacturing related content in the programme  * extent to which the programme would help in increasing awareness about approved sectors under "Mak .....

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..... e in India" as well as the culture and heritage of the country. Procedure  for  grant  of  permission  for  use  of  "Make  in  India"  logo     All requests for use of logo would be considered on the basis of these guidelines on merit and approved by JS (BE-III). * DIPP will be within its right to seek any additional detail in respect of requests for use of logo for Events, Publications, Websites / Portals, electronic programmes, etc., before taking any decision on the request.   All requests for use of the logo for programmes on electronic media must be received in the DIPP at least 30 days in advance along with complete details as enumerated in para I .....

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..... V (i) of these guidelines, for consideration of the DIPP.  * Use of the "Make in India" logo for any other purpose would be considered on the basis of merit of each case, keeping in view the visibility, impact and the extent about manufacturing or its related aspects and approval of JS (BE-III) shall be obtained.   Permission accorded by the DIPP, Govt. of India, for use of the "Make in India" Logo would be subject to: * The right of the DIPP to withdraw permission for use of the "Make in India"  logo by giving sufficient notice.  * The right of the DIPP to view the proposed design and layout of "Make in India" logo usage, prior to finalization of the same.   VIII The applicants should submit t .....

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..... heir applications for use of "Make in India" logo in the format annexed. Format for applying for permission to use the "Make in India" logo S. No.   Activity   Details   1     Name of the Event for which permission is being sought for use of Make in India Logo.       2   Date of Event       3   Details of Participant Entities       4   Purpose for which logo would be used       5   Relevance of "Make in India" in the proposed event       Name of the Applicant: Signature: Date: Telephone No.: Mobile No.: E-mail: Address: ***  < .....

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..... br> Scholarly articles for knowledge sharing by authors, experts, professionals .....

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