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Customs - Highlights / Catch Notes

Home Highlights May 2019 Year 2019 This

Exemption from SAD - Import of Microprocessors - if the goods ...

Importer Denied SAD Exemption for Retail Microprocessors; CVD Exemption Disqualifies SAD Eligibility Under Notification No 29/2010-Cus.

May 16, 2019

Case Laws     Customs     AT

Exemption from SAD - Import of Microprocessors - if the goods are meant for retail sale then obliviously they cannot be meant for fitment within the CPU Housing/ laptop Body - Once the importer claims complete exemption from payment of CVD in terms of the Central Excise Notification referred above he is excluded from claiming exemption from payment of Special Additional Duty of Customs under Notification No 29/2010-Cus.

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