Determination of FMV of shares - section 56(2)(vii)(c)(ii) - AO ...
Assessing Officer Not Required to Apply Section 56(2)(vii)(c)(ii) Due to Post-Purchase Balance Sheet Approval.
September 2, 2022
Case Laws Income Tax AT
Determination of FMV of shares - section 56(2)(vii)(c)(ii) - AO is expected to examine the applicable provisions during the assessment proceedings. However, when the provision itself cannot be invoked, since the Balance Sheet for the year ending on 31.03.2014 was adopted and approved on 22.09.2014 i.e. after the shares were purchased, therefore as per the provisions of the I.T.Act, 1961 and I.T.Rules 1962, the AO was not required to examine the applications of section 56(2)(vii)(c)(ii) as wrongly recorded by the PCIT. - AT
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