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Customs - Highlights / Catch Notes

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Revocation of Customs Broker License - failure to collect the ...

Customs Broker License Revoked for Not Collecting KYC Forms; High Court Allows Application for New License.

September 27, 2023

Case Laws     Customs     HC

Revocation of Customs Broker License - failure to collect the KYC forms - In the facts of this case, the revocation of the license came into effect on 04.02.2019 and a period of more than 4 ˝ years has already lapsed. The revocation of the license which is in operation since 2019 i.e., almost 4 ˝ years is itself a severe punishment and will serve as a reprimand to the Appellant to conduct its affairs with more alacrity. - CHA/CB permitted to apply for new license - HC

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