The Appellate Tribunal considered the maintainability of an ...
The Tribunal said appeal not valid due to low duty amount below Rs.50 lakhs. Follow CBIC circular.
June 27, 2024
Case Laws Customs AT
The Appellate Tribunal considered the maintainability of an appeal based on the monetary limit involved and the assessment made by the department. The Tribunal noted that circulars from the CBIC instructed the department not to file or pursue appeals before higher authorities if the duty amount is below specified limits. In this case, the CBIC's circular set a monetary limit of Rs.50 lakhs for appeals before the CESTAT. The Tribunal referred to a Bombay High Court decision supporting the withdrawal of appeals falling below monetary thresholds. As the duty amount in the appeal was below the prescribed limit, the Tribunal found the appeal not maintainable and dismissed it in line with the CBIC's circular.
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