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Income Tax - Highlights / Catch Notes

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Allowability of deduction u/s 80P(2)(d) for interest income from ...

Cooperative Society Wins Tax Deduction for Interest Income from Deposits in Cooperative Bank, ITAT Rules Favorably.

September 4, 2024

Case Laws     Income Tax     AT

Allowability of deduction u/s 80P(2)(d) for interest income from deposits/investments in a cooperative bank by a cooperative society. The assessee, a cooperative society registered in Rajasthan, claimed deduction on interest received from another cooperative society operating as a cooperative bank. The ITAT held that the assessee is entitled to the deduction, relying on Section 22 of the Regional Rural Bank Act, 1976, which deems Regional Rural Banks as cooperative societies for income tax purposes. Despite a CBDT circular restricting deduction for Regional Rural Banks, the ITAT ruled that it cannot override the statutory provision. As the assessee is a cooperative society and not a Regional Rural Bank, it is eligible for deduction on interest earned from deposits in the cooperative bank u/s 80P(2)(d).

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