A bank is eligible to claim deduction towards provision for bad ...
Banks Can Deduct Bad Debt Provisions Under Income Tax Act Without Needing Rural Branches.
September 26, 2024
Case Laws Income Tax AT
A bank is eligible to claim deduction towards provision for bad and doubtful debts u/s 36(1)(viia), irrespective of whether it has rural or non-rural advances. The presence of both rural and non-rural advances is not mandatory. The assessing officer must consider the actual provision made in the books for bad and doubtful debts, regardless of the nature of advances. The deduction is allowed subject to the permissible upper limits specified in Section 36(1)(viia)(a). All types of banks described under sub-clause (a) of clause (viia) are entitled to seek deduction of an amount not exceeding the prescribed percentage of total income, provided there is a provision for bad and doubtful debts in the books of account. The existence of rural branches is not a condition for availing the deduction up to the specified percentage of total income.
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