CESTAT determined that while rejection of declared transaction ...
Customs Valuation: Rejection of Declared Horse Value Valid, But Improper Use of Irish Auction Prices Under Rule 8
March 12, 2025
Case Laws Customs AT
CESTAT determined that while rejection of declared transaction value of imported thoroughbred horses under Rule 10A of Customs Valuation Rules, 1988 was justified due to significant discrepancies with auction prices, the subsequent valuation method was flawed. After rejecting transaction value, authorities applied Rule 8 directly, using Irish auction prices with adjustments. However, Rule 8(2)(iii) explicitly prohibits basing valuation on domestic prices in the country of export. Since the SCN acknowledged Rules 4-7A were inapplicable, and Rule 8 was improperly applied using auction prices, the demands for duty, confiscation, fines, and penalties were set aside. Appeal allowed.
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