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The HC quashed and set aside a show-cause notice issued by Bank ...

Bank's Show-Cause Notice Quashed for Failing to Share Forensic Audit Report with Petitioner, Violating Natural Justice Principles

March 19, 2025

Case Laws     IBC     HC

The HC quashed and set aside a show-cause notice issued by Bank of India based on a Forensic Audit Report (FAR) prepared by BDO India LLP, as the petitioner was not provided a copy of the report, violating principles of natural justice. The Bank was permitted to withdraw the impugned notice and all consequential proceedings/actions, with liberty to initiate fresh proceedings against the petitioner. The petitioner retains the right to raise all objections in response to any fresh show-cause notice, including challenging the partiality of the FAR. The Bank was directed to communicate the withdrawal to the petitioner within 72 hours.

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