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Income Tax - Highlights / Catch Notes

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The HC upheld the ITAT's deletion of additions under section 68, ...

Share Capital Investments Validated: Assessee Successfully Proves Identity, Creditworthiness, and Genuineness Under Section 68

March 20, 2025

Case Laws     Income Tax     HC

The HC upheld the ITAT's deletion of additions under section 68, confirming that the assessee had successfully discharged the burden of proving identity, creditworthiness, and genuineness of shareholders' investments. The Court found that both appellate authorities had thoroughly examined available records and concurrently determined that the investors were existing shareholders with sufficient funds and properly disclosed past transactions. The HC declined to interfere with these findings, noting that while the AO had examined the materials, conclusions were recorded without supporting reasons, rendering such findings perverse. The Court affirmed the ITAT's reliance on CIT v. Divine Leasing & Finance Ltd. and dismissed the revenue's appeal.

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