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Home Acts & Rules Customs This


  1. Acts
  2. Customs Tariff Act, 1975
  3. Customs Act, 1962
  4. Rules
  5. Customs (Assistance in Value Declaration of Identified Imported Goods) Rules, 2023
  6. Customs (Import of Goods at Concessional Rate of Duty or for Specified End Use) Rules, 2022
  7. Customs (Administration of Rules of Origin under Trade Agreements) Rules, 2020
  8. Customs and Central Excise Settlement Commission (Recruitment and Conditions of Service of Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Members) Rules, 2015
  9. Customs (Furnishing of Information) Rules, 2017
  10. Customs and Central Excise Duties Drawback Rules, 2017
  11. India-Korea Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (Bilateral Safeguard Measures) Rules, 2017
  12. India-Malaysia Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (Bilateral Safeguard Measures) Rules, 2017
  13. India-Japan Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (Bilateral Safeguard Measures) Rules, 2017
  14. Deferred Payment of Import Duty Rules, 2016
  15. India-ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement (Safeguard Measures) Rules, 2016
  16. Baggage Rules, 2016
  17. Customs, Excise & Service Tax Appellate Tribunal (Procedure for Appointment as President) Rules, 2016
  18. Refund of Anti­-Dumping Duty (Paid in Excess of Actual Margin of Dumping) Rules, 2012
  19. India-Singapore Trade Agreement (Safeguard Measures) Rules, 2009
  20. Customs Valuation (Determination of Price of imported Goods) Rules, 2007
  21. Customs Valuation (Determination of Value of Export Goods) Rules, 2007
  22. Customs (Settlement of Cases) Rules, 2007
  23. Intellectual Property Rights (Imported Goods) Enforcement Rules, 2007
  24. Customs (Compounding of Offences) Rules, 2005
  25. Customs Tariff (Transitional Product Specific Safeguard Duty) Rules, 2002
  26. Customs Tariff (Identification and Assessment of Safeguard Measures) Rules, 1997
  27. CEGAT (Countervailing Duty and Anti-Dumping) Procedure Rules, 1996
  28. Re-export of Imported Goods (Drawback of Customs Duties) Rules, 1995
  29. Customs Tariff (Identification, Assessment and Collection of Countervailing Duty on Subsidized Articles and for Determination of Injury) Rules, 1995
  30. Customs Tariff (Identification, Assessment and Collection of Anti-dumping Duty on Dumped Articles and for Determination of Injury) Rules, 1995
  31. Customs, Central Excise Duties and Service Tax Drawback Rules, 1995
  32. Customs (Attachment of Property of Defaulters for Recovery of Government Dues) Rules, 1995
  33. Customs, Excise and Service Tax Appellate Tribunal (Procedure) Rules, 1982
  34. Customs (Appeals) Rules, 1982
  35. Customs (Publication of Names) Rules, 1975
  36. Denaturing of Spirit Rules, 1972
  37. Specified Goods (Prevention of Illegal Export) Rules, 1969
  38. Notified Goods (Prevention of Illegal Import) Rules, 1969
  39. Notice of Short-Export Rules, 1963
  40. Accessories (Condition) Rules, 1963
  41. Foreign Privileged Persons (Regulation of Customs Privileges) Rules, 1957
  42. Stamping of Piece-goods and Testing of Yarn Rules, 1949.
  43. U.N. ( P & I ) Act, 1947 - The relevant articles - under which exemption from customs dut is allowed to the U.N.O and and their officials
  44. Rules for the landing and clearing at the certain ports all the Land Customs Stations and Airports of parcels and packets forwarded by the foreign mails or by passenger vessels or air liners
  45. Rules for granting special passes to break bulk in the Customs ports in the States of Mysore and Kerala
  46. Rules for granting special passes to break bulk in the said ports in the States of Madras, Pondicherry and Bombay
  47. Rules for granting special passes to break bulk in the ports under the jurisdiction of the [Commissioner of Customs], Saurashtra
  48. Rules for the shipping of passenger’s baggage and the passing of the same through the Custom Houses
  49. Publication of Daily Lists of Imports and Exports Rules
  50. Rules for passing free of import duty baggage in actual use, and for the landing of passenger’s baggage and passing the same through the ports, Saurashtra
  51. Rules for passing free of import duty baggage in actual use and for the landing of passenger’s baggage and passing the same through the Custom House at Bombay.
  52. Rule For Grant Of Port Clearance To Sailing Vessels In Kandla
  53. Rule For Furnishing Of Informations By Customs Officers
  54. Regulations
  55. Postal Export (Electronic Declaration and Processing) Regulations, 2022
  56. Passenger Name Record Information Regulations, 2022
  57. Controlled Delivery (Customs) Regulations, 2022
  58. Customs (Electronic Cash Ledger) Regulations, 2022
  59. Shipping Bill (Post export conversion in relation to instrument based scheme) Regulations, 2022
  60. Electronic Duty Credit Ledger Regulations, 2021
  61. Customs (Verification of Identity and Compliance) Regulations, 2021
  62. Customs Authority for Advance Rulings Regulations, 2021
  63. Manufacture and Other Operations in Special Warehouse Regulations, 2020
  64. Transportation of Goods (Through Foreign Territory), Regulations, 2020
  65. Manufacture and Other Operations in Warehouse (no. 2) Regulations, 2019
  66. Transhipment of Cargo to Nepal under Electronic Cargo Tracking System Regulations, 2019
  67. Customs (Supplementary Notice) Regulations, 2019
  68. Shipping Bill (Electronic Integrated Declaration and Paperless Processing) Regulations, 2019
  69. Customs (Finalisation of Provisional Assessment) Regulations, 2018
  70. Exports by Post Regulations, 2018
  71. Customs Audit Regulations, 2018
  72. Sea Cargo Manifest and Transhipment Regulations, 2018
  73. Bill of Entry (Electronic Integrated Declaration and Paperless Processing) Regulations, 2018
  74. Customs Brokers Licensing Regulations, 2018
  75. Pre-notice consultation regulations, 2018
  76. Shipping Bill and Bill of Export (Forms) Regulations, 2017.
  77. Special Warehouse (Custody and Handling of Goods) Regulations, 2016
  78. Private Warehouse Licensing Regulations, 2016
  79. Public Warehouse Licensing Regulations, 2016
  80. Warehouse (Custody and Handling of Goods) Regulations, 2016
  81. Special Warehouse Licensing Regulations, 2016.
  82. Warehoused Goods (Removal) Regulations, 2016
  83. FICCI/TAITRA Carnet (Form of bill of entry and shipping bill) Regulations, 2014
  84. Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (Regulation of Controlled Substances) Order, 2013
  85. Customs Baggage Declaration Regulations, 2013
  86. Customs (Provisional Duty Assessment) Regulations, 2011
  87. On-site Post Clearance Audit at the Premises of Importers and Exporters Regulations, 2011
  88. Courier Imports and Exports (Electronic Declaration and Processing) Regulations, 2010
  89. Handling of Cargo in Customs Areas Regulations, 2009
  90. Customs and Central Excise Settlement Commission Procedure, 2007
  91. Customs (Fees for Rendering Services by Customs Officers) Regulations, 1998
  92. Courier Imports and Exports (Clearance) Regulations, 1998
  93. Customs Refund Application (Form) Regulations, 1995
  94. Goods Imported (Conditions of Transhipment) Regulations, 1995
  95. Import of Gold and Silver by Passengers (Form of Bill of Entry) Regulations, 1994
  96. ATA Carnet (Form of Bill of Entry and Shipping Bill) Regulations, 1990
  97. Project Imports Regulations, 1986
  98. Import Report (Form) Regulations, 1976
  99. Import Manifest (Aircraft) Regulations, 1976
  100. Export Report (Form) Regulations, 1976.
  101. Export Manifest (Aircraft) Regulations, 1976
  102. Boat Notes Regulations, 1976
  103. Bill of Entry (Forms) Regulations, 1976
  104. Bill of Coastal Goods (Form) Regulations, 1976
  105. Shipping Bill for Aircraft Spares Ex-bond Regulations, 1975
  106. Uncleared Goods (Bill of Entry) Regulations, 1972
  107. Levy of Fees (Customs Documents) Regulations, 1970
  108. Baggage (Transit to Customs Stations) Regulations, 1967
  109. Passenger’s Baggage (Levy of Fees) Regulations, 1966
  110. Bonded Aircraft Stores (Procedure) Regulations, 1965
  111. Imported Stores (Retention on Board) Regulations, 1963
  112. Imported Packages (Opening) Regulation, 1963.
  113. Origin of Goods - Rules
  114. Customs Tariff (Determination of Origin of Goods under the India-Australia Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement) Rules, 2022
  115. Customs Tariff (Determination of Origin of Goods under the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement between India and the United Arab Emirates) Rules, 2022
  116. Customs Tariff (Determination of Origin of Goods under the Comprehensive Economic Cooperation and Partnership Agreement between the Republic of India and the Republic of Mauritius) Rules, 2021
  117. Customs Tariff (Determination of Origin of Products under the Duty Free Tariff Preference Scheme for Least Developed Countries) Rules, 2015
  118. Customs Tariff (Determination of Origin of Goods under the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement between the Republic of India and Japan) Rules, 2011
  119. Customs Tariff (Determination of Origin of Goods Under the Preferential Trade Agreement Between the Governments of the Republic of India and Malaysia) Rules, 2011
  120. Customs Tariff (Determination of Origin of Goods under the Preferential Trade Agreement between the Governments of Member States of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the Republic of India) Rules, 2009
  121. Customs Tariff (Determination of Origin of Goods under the Preferential Trade Agreement between the Governments of the Republic of India and the Republic of Korea) Rules, 2009
  122. Customs Tariff (Determination of Origin of Goods under the Preferential Trade Agreement between the Governments of MERCOSUR Member States comprising the Argentine Republic, the Federative Republic of Brazil, the Republic of Paraguay and the Republica Oriental del Uruguay and the Republic of India) Rules, 2009
  123. Rules of Determination of Origin of Goods under the Preferential Trading Agreement between the Republic of India and the Republic of Chile Rules, 2007
  124. Rules of (Determination of Origin of Goods under the Agreement on South Asian Free Trade Area (SAFTA)), 2006
  125. Rules of (Determination of Origin of Goods under the Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement, (formerly known as the Bangkok Agreement)) Rules, 2006
  126. Customs Tariff (Determination of Origin of Goods under the Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement between the Republic of India and Republic of Singapore) Rules, 2005
  127. Customs Tariff (Determination of Origin of Goods under the Preferential Trade Agreement between the Transitional Islamic State of Afghanistan and Republic of India) Rules, 2003
  128. Customs Tariff (Determination of Origin of Goods under the Free Trade Agreement between the Democratic Socialistic Republic of Sri Lanka and the Republic of India) Rules, 2000.
  129. Customs Tariff (Determination of Origin of Goods under the Agreement on SAARC Preferential Trading Arrangement) Rules, 1995
  130. Customs Tariff (Determination of Origin of Goods under the Agreement on Global System of Trade Preferences among Developing Countries) Rules, 1989
  131. Customs Tariff (Determination of Origin of Other Preferential Areas) Rules, 1977.
  132. Customs Tariff (Determination of Origin of the United Arab Republic and Yugoslavia) Rules, 1976
  133. Interim Rules of Origin for Agreement between the Republic of India and the Kingdom of Thailand
  134. Old_Provisions
  135. Manufacture and Other Operations in Warehouse Regulations, 2019
  136. Customs (Import of Goods at Concessional Rate of Duty) Rules, 2017.
  137. Customs (Import of Goods at Concessional Rate of Duty for Manufacture of Excisable Goods) Rules, 2016.
  138. Customs Brokers Licensing Regulations, 2013
  139. Shipping Bill (Electronic Integrated Declaration) Regulations, 2011
  140. Bill of Entry (Electronic Integrated Declaration) Regulations, 2011
  141. Customs Tariff (Determination of Origin of Products under the Duty Free Tariff Preference Scheme for Least Developed Countries) Rules, 2008
  142. Customs House Agents Licensing Regulations, 2004
  143. Customs (Advance Rulings) Rules, 2002
  144. Customs (Settlement of Cases) Rules, 1999
  145. Baggage Rules, 1998
  146. Customs (Import of Goods at Concessional Rate of Duty for Manufacture of Excisable Goods) Rules, 1996
  147. Bill of Entry (Electronic Declaration) Regulations, 1995
  148. Shipping Bill and Bill of Export (Form) Regulations, 1991
  149. Customs Valuation (Determination of Price of Imported Goods) Rules, 1988
  150. Export Manifest (Vessels) Regulations, 1976
  151. Import Manifest (Vessels) Regulations, 1971
  152. Manufacture and Other Operations in Warehouse Regulations, 1966
  153. Transportation of Goods (Through Foreign Territory) Regulations, 1965
  154. Warehoused Goods (Removal) Regulations, 1963
  155. Customs (Provisional Duty Assessment) Regulations, 1963
  156. Rule For Acceptance Of Shipping Bill Delivered Under Section 137(A) [Old]

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