Issues involved: Territorial jurisdiction for filing an appeal under section 45 of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 u/s 10F of the Companies Act.
Territorial Jurisdiction under Companies Act: - Respondent argued appeal should be in Punjab and Haryana High Court u/s 10(1)(a) as company's registered office in Mohali. - Cited Stridewell Leathers case where SC held jurisdiction based on registered office location. - Appellant argued section 10F not applicable as arbitration not under Companies Act. - Supported by Hind Samachar case from Punjab and Haryana High Court. - Contention that appeal should be under section 50 of Arbitration Act against Company Law Board order. Jurisdiction Determination: - Court to decide jurisdiction based on Companies Act or Arbitration Act. - Section 10(1)(a) requires appeal in High Court where company's registered office is situated. - Section 10F sets time limit for filing appeal against Company Law Board order. - Company Law Board's power under Companies Act challenged by respondent. - Application under Arbitration Act ancillary to Companies Act disputes. - Filing under Arbitration Act does not override Companies Act provisions. - Dispute on shares and debentures falls under Companies Act jurisdiction. - Section 50 of Arbitration Act applies to arbitrator appointment disputes only. Judgment: - Appellant filed appeal in wrong forum, should have approached Punjab and Haryana High Court. - Appellant's remedy under section 10(1)(a) of Companies Act, not section 50 of Arbitration Act. - Appeal dismissed for lack of territorial jurisdiction, not on merit.