Issues Involved:
Proceedings under the Urban Land (Ceiling and Regulation) Act, 1976; Challenge to the declaration of surplus land; Abatement of legal proceedings post-repeal of the Act. Proceedings under the Urban Land (Ceiling and Regulation) Act, 1976: The prescribed authority declared 4314.60 Sq. mtrs. of land as surplus, leading to appeals and a subsequent writ petition in the High Court, all of which were unsuccessful. The appeals were then filed in the Supreme Court, which granted an Order of "status quo" regarding possession of the surplus land. Repeal of the Act and Abatement of Legal Proceedings: The Urban Land (Ceiling and Regulation) Repeal Act, 1999 repealed the original Act, with the State of U.P. adopting its provisions. Section 4 of the Repeal Act mandates the abatement of all proceedings related to Orders made under the principal Act, except for specific sections concerning land possession taken over by the State Government or authorized entities. Despite the appellant's claim of continued possession and the interim "status quo" Order, the State had not taken possession of the surplus land. Consequently, the Supreme Court abated the proceedings under Section 4 of the Repeal Act, leading to the final disposal of the appeals.