1. Validity of an auction sale of property under the provisions of the Income-tax Act, 1961. 2. Rescission of an auction sale due to failure to meet the reserve price. 3. Adequacy of notice for an adjourned auction sale. 4. Discrepancies in terms and conditions of auction sales. 5. Compliance with statutory rules and requirements in conducting auction sales for the realization of public dues. Detailed Analysis: 1. The judgment challenges the validity of an auction sale of a property conducted by the Income-tax Department for the recovery of income tax arrears. The petitioner contests the sale, citing discrepancies in the auction process and terms of sale, particularly related to the reserve price and conditions of the sale. 2. The petitioner argues that the auction held on February 19, 1987, was rescinded due to failing to meet the reserve price. However, the respondents claim that the auction on February 27, 1987, was an adjourned sale with sufficient notice provided to all bidders, thus contesting the rescission of the earlier auction. 3. The issue of notice adequacy for the adjourned auction sale arises, with the petitioner asserting that the lack of proper notice for the auction on February 27, 1987, renders it invalid. The respondents argue that ample notice was given through announcements on the spot and subsequent written communication to bidders. 4. Discrepancies in the terms and conditions of the auction sales on February 19 and 27, 1987, are highlighted, particularly regarding the liability for paying the "unearned increase" on the property. The change in conditions between the two auctions significantly impacted the bidding process and the obligations of the bidders, leading to a challenge on the independence of the two sales. 5. The judgment emphasizes the importance of compliance with statutory rules and requirements in conducting auction sales for the realization of public dues. It points out the necessity for adhering to procedural guidelines, including the drawing up of fresh sale proclamations and allowing the prescribed notice period for conducting a fresh sale when the previous auction fails to meet the reserve price. The court orders the setting aside of the auction sale on February 27, 1987, and directs a fresh sale in accordance with statutory provisions and rules to ensure a fair and lawful process for all parties involved.