Issues involved: Trade Discounts, Taxes, Cost of insurance, Deductions for companies with multiple factories, Clarification of judgment.
Trade Discounts: Discounts allowed in the Trade should be deducted from the sale price if established under agreements or terms of sale, known at or prior to the removal of goods, regardless of when they are payable.
Taxes: Additional Sales Tax, Surcharge on Sales Tax, Turnover Tax, and octroi paid by the manufacturer should be deducted from the sale price to determine the assessable value, even if paid periodically to taxing authorities.
Cost of insurance: The cost of transit transport insurance covering goods from the factory gate to delivery places is part of the cost of transportation and should be included as a deduction.
Deductions for companies with multiple factories: When a company has multiple factories with the same prices at depots, deductions should be computed and allowed based on such prices, irrespective of the lack of identification of goods from a specific factory.
Clarification of judgment: The order provides clarification of the judgment delivered on 7th October, 1983, specifying the deductions allowed for trade discounts, taxes, cost of insurance, and for companies with multiple factories.
The matters discussed in the judgment will be listed for further hearing on 18th November, 1983, in court at 2 p.m.