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Weighment of self-sealed export containers in centralized parking Plaza-reg. - Customs - PUBLIC NOTICE NO. 73/2024Extract OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF CUSTOMS, NS-II, CENTRALIZED PARKING PLAZA, DIST.- RAIGAD, MAHARASHTRA- 400707 Date: 28-08-2024 PUBLIC NOTICE NO. 73/2024 Subject : Weighment of self-sealed export containers in centralized parking Plaza-reg. Attention of Exporters, Custom Brokers, all other stakeholders and officers of JNCH is invited to various instructions on processing of shipping bills of selfsealed export containers in Centralized Parking Plaza (CPP). 2. In partial modification of Public Notice No. 17/2024 dated 26.02.2024, it has been decided that weighment of self-sealed export containers of Shipping Bills pertaining to non-AEO exporters of following categories, shall mandatorily be done at CPP before registration goods by Customs- (i) Where either the drawback amount claimed is more than Rs.1 Lakh (Rupees One Lakh) or the IGST refund amount is more than Rs.5 Lakh (Rupees Five Lakhs) (ii) Where the goods to be exported are under Advanced Authorization/EPCG/ DFIA schemes. (iii) Where the goods are subject to export duty. (regardless of AEO status of the Exporter) (iv) 10% of the containers not falling in the aforesaid three categories, selected by the AC/DC in-charge of CPP. (on daily basis randomly) 3. All the self-sealed containers should mandatorily contain the container weighment slip of the custodian of the CPP to be presented at the time of registration of Shipping Bills in EDI system. 4. Custodian shall be responsible for arranging the weighment of such consignments smoothly so that there is no delay or inconvenience to the exporter due to implementation of this Public Notice. 5. This public notice shall come into force with effect from 01.09.2024 . 6. Difficulty if any, may be brought to the notice of the Deputy/Assistant Commissioner, Appraising Main (Exports) at [email protected]. (Sanjeev Kumar Singh) Commissioner of Customs NS-II, JNCH