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Education Cess and Rebate under Section 87A, Income Tax

Issue Id: - 112420
Dated: 23-7-2017
By:- Paul A

Education Cess and Rebate under Section 87A

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Dear Experts,

I am filing income tax return for 1st time, would like to know.

1. My Income is ₹ 387,305.00 for the FY 2016-17 and tax on ₹ 137,305.00 Tax payable is 13,730.50 and Under Section 87A rebate available for they FY 2016-17, AY 2017-18 would it be ₹ 2000 or ₹ 5000.00 i can deduct from taxable income excluding Education Cess.

2. How much % of Education Cess I have to pay on ₹ 13,730.50, is it 2% or 3% for the FY 2016-17, AY 2017-18 or is it GST that I have to add in place of Cess, if it is GST, kindly advise how.

3. I have a carry forward loss of ₹ 118, 414.75, I am filing ITR-2, under which column should I put the carry forward loss in ITR-2.

4. Also, how to go about filing the returns online, is there a step by step instructions to file returns online.

Thanks in advance, Would humbly request experts to let me know so that I can file my income tax returns by 31st.


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1 Dated: 24-7-2017

There is no role for GST in income tax. Cess is payable @ 3% on the tax payable.

Since it is the first return to be filed you, in my opinion, you cannot set off the loss as you shown.

Online return may be filed. Instructions are there in the web site of Income Tax Department.

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