TMI BlogExamination norms for export goods at port of export – reg. –X X X X Extracts X X X X X X X X Extracts X X X X ..... nsignments for faster clearance of cargo. The matter was considered by the Export Promotion Board (EPB), and EPB had recommended that in case of exports where the duty benefit is above Rs. 1 lakh, 10% shipments should be checked on a random basis, and in cases where the duty benefit is below Rs.1 lakh, only surprise checks should be resorted to. 2. The proposals received in this regard have been carefully examined by the Government, and pursuant to this examination, it has been decided to revise the examination norms keeping in view the quantum of incentive, value of export goods, the country of destination etc. As such, the following decisions have been taken : 2.1 The scale of physical examination of various categories of exports at the ..... X X X X Extracts X X X X X X X X Extracts X X X X ..... Rs.5 lakh 50% 10% 2.2 In all cases referred to above, in respect of consignments selected for examination, a minimum of two packages with a maximum of 5% of packages (subject to a maximum of 20 packages from a consignment) shall be opened up for examination. The package number to be opened for examination will be selected by the system. 2.3 It is to be ensured that exporters do not split up consignments so as to fall within the lower examination norms. Therefore, wherever on the same day the same exporter attempts to export a consignment (other than free shipping bills) involving export incentive of Rs.1 lakh or less (Drawback/DEPB) or in other cases having the FOB value upto Rs.5 lakh to the same country, the system would alert the ex ..... X X X X Extracts X X X X X X X X Extracts X X X X ..... actory of manufacture, ICD/CFS, warehouses and other places where the Commissioner has, by a special order, permitted, it may be ensured that the containers are bottle sealed or lead sealed. In case of export through bonded trucks, the truck should be similarly bottle sealed or lead sealed. In case of export by ordinary truck/other means, all the packages are required to be lead sealed. In the case of goods examined by central excise/Custom officers and sealed and stuffed under their supervision at a factory or in an approved warehouse, the consignments shall be accompanied by an examination report in the form annexed (Annexure). 4. The Circular No.90/98-Cus., dated the 8th December, 1998 stands rescinded. Likewise, the Green Channel facil ..... X X X X Extracts X X X X X X X X Extracts X X X X ..... Location Code** : 9. Particulars of export Invoice (a) Export Invoice No. : (b) Total No. of packages : (c) Name and address of the consignee abroad : 10. (a) Is the description of the goods, the quantity and their value as per particulars furnished in the export invoice? : : Yes/No (b) Whether sample is drawn for being forwarded to Port of export? : Yes/No (c) If yes, the number of the seal of the package containing the sample : 11. Central Excise/Customs Seal Nos. (a) For Non-containeraised cargo Seal Nos. No. of packages (b) For Containerised Cargo Container Number Size Seal No. No. of Packages stuffed in container (1) (2) (3) (4) SIGNATURE OF EXPORTER SIGNATURE OF INSPECTOR/EXAMINER SIGNATURE OF APPRAI ..... X X X X Extracts X X X X X X X X Extracts X X X X