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Seeks to amend Notifications 100/2009-Cus, 101/2009-Cus, 102/2009-Cus and 103/2009-Cus all dt.11-09-2009 and 104/2009-Cus dt.14-09-2009

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..... e 11th September, 2009] In the said notification,- (a) in paragraph 2- (i) in condition (2), after the words "each user would fulfil", the words, figures and letters "and for authorizations issued on or after the 5th June, 2012, the details of the capital goods and the quantum of Export Obligation which Common Service provider shall fulfil shall be mentioned in the authorization." shall be inserted. (ii) in condition (5)- (A) after the first Table, the following proviso shall be inserted, namely:- "Provided that in case authorizations are issued on or after the 5th June, 2012, the Common Service provider shall execute the bond with bank guarantee and the bank guarantee shall be equivalent to hundred percent. of the duty foregone, to be given by the Common Service provider or by any one of the users or a combination thereof, at the option of the Common Service provider:". (B) after the proviso as so inserted, in the existing first proviso, for the words, "Provided that", the words, "Provided further that" shall be substituted. (C) in condition (7), after the words "specific users", the words "or the Authorization Holder, as the case may be," shall be inserted. (b) in the E .....

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..... d. (ii) in condition (4), after the words "Government of India", the following proviso shall be inserted, namely:- "Provided that this condition shall not be applicable where the benefit under TUFS has been obtained but exact line of business in TUFS is different from the line of business under EPCG or where benefits availed under TUFS are refunded, with applicable interest, before availing zero duty EPCG Authorization." shall be inserted. (iii) in condition (5), for the letters and words, "SHIS scrips which are not issued", the words and letters, "provided that this condition shall not be applicable where already availed SHIS benefit that is unutilized is surrendered or where benefits availed under SHIS that is utilized is refunded, with applicable interest, before availing zero duty EPCG authorization. SHIS scrips which are surrendered or benefit refunded or not issued" shall be substituted. (iv) in condition (8), after the Table, the following proviso shall be inserted, namely:- " Provided that in case authorizations are issued on or after the 5th June, 2012, the Common Service provider shall execute the bond with bank guarantee and the bank guarantee shall be equivalent .....

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..... oms,dated the 11th September, 2009 [ Vide number G.S.R. 668 (E), dated the 11th September, 2009] In the said notification,- (a) in paragraph 2- (i) in condition (3), after the words "Government of India", the following proviso shall be inserted, namely:- "Provided that this condition shall not be applicable where the benefit under TUFS has been obtained but exact line of business in TUFS is different from the line of business under EPCG or where benefits availed under TUFS are refunded, with applicable interest, before availing zero duty EPCG Authorization.". (ii) in condition (4), for the letters and words, "SHIS scrips which are not issued", the words and letters, "provided that this condition shall not be applicable where already availed SHIS benefit that is unutilized is surrendered or where benefits availed under SHIS that is utilized is refunded, with applicable interest, before availing zero duty EPCG authorization. SHIS scrips which are surrendered or benefit refunded or not issued" shall be substituted. (iii) in condition (7), after the Table,- (I) the following provisos shall be inserted, namely:- "Provided that the export obligation shall be 75% of the normal exp .....

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..... irst Table, the following provisos shall be inserted, namely,- "Provided that the export obligation shall be 75% of the normal export obligation specified above when fulfilled by export of following green technology products, namely, equipment for solar energy decentralized and grid connected products, bio-mass gassifier, bio-mass or waste boiler, vapour absorption chillers, waste heat boiler, waste heat recovery units, unfired heat recovery steam generators, wind turbine, solar collector and parts thereof, water treatment plants, wind mill and wind mill turbine or engine, other generating sets - wind powered, electrically operated vehicles - motor cars, electrically operated vehicles - lorries and trucks, electrically operated vehicles - motor cycle and mopeds, and solar cells: Provided further that for units located in Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim and Tripura, the export obligation shall be 25% of the normal export obligation specified above:" (ii) after the provisos as so inserted, in the existing first proviso, for the words, "Provided that", the words, "Provided also that", shall be substituted. (b) in the Explanation, in clause .....

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..... ed also that the said scrip shall be transferable amongst the status holders subject to the condition that the transferee status holder is a manufacturer and such transfer is endorsed by the Regional Authority, during the period of validity of the said scrip, mentioning the sectors for which the transferee has manufacturing facility and for which the transfer is granted: Provided also that upon such transfer, the validity of the said scrip shall remain unchanged.". (c) after condition (5) , the following condition shall be inserted, namely:- "(5A) that the components and spares and parts, for capital goods imported earlier, imported against the said scrip shall be meant for use in the capital goods already imported and subject to actual user condition and the importer at the time of clearance of the said components and spares and parts, shall furnish an undertaking to this effect to the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, that in case of non compliance of the said condition, he shall pay on demand an amount equal to the duty leviable, but for the exemption contained herein together with interest at the rate of fifteen percent. .....

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