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1965 (2) TMI 98

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..... aid scheme provided, among others, that the administration of the temple should be in the hands of the Kattalai Thambiran appointed by the Pandarasannadhi, and that he should be assisted by a treasurer, a shroff and an auctioneer who was to be appointed once in 3 years by the Court. The Madras Legislature passed Act 11 of 1927 providing for the good administration of temples and their endowments. The Religious Endowments Board functioning under the said Act, presumably because the administration of the temple in question was satisfactory, did not take any steps to have the scheme framed by the High Court in 1919 modified under the said Act. That Act was substituted by The Madras Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments Act, 1951 (Act No. XIX of 1951), hereinafter called the Act. On June 16, 1951, the Commissioner, Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments, Madras, filed a petition in the Court of the Subordinate Judge, Mayuram, under S. 62(3a) of the Act for modifying the scheme framed by the High Court. In the petition the Commissioner, after alleging various acts of commission and omission by the Trustee and his subordinates in the management of the temple and pointing out the d .....

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..... erred in modifying the scheme framed by the High Court in the year 1919 introducing drastic changes therein, such as putting the management of the temple under an Executive Officer who could be appointed and removed only by the Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments Board and also making a provision for the appointment of additional Trustees in future. He has no objection to that part of the scheme introducing formal changes in the earlier scheme so as to bring it in conformity with the provisions of the Act. The arguments of Mr. A. Ranganadham Chetty, learned counsel for the State, may be stated thus : Under the Act a scheme for the administration of a temple may be framed or an earlier scheme may be amended not only when there is mismanagement by the Trustee but also for providing for a better administration of the temple; in the present case, though there is no mismanagement by the Trustee, the extensive immovable properties the temple owns, the existence of large arrears of rents, settlement of disputes that may arise between the tenants and the Trustee under the new tenancy laws and such others call for the appointment of a trained Executive Officer by the Commissioner in .....

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..... ral provisions of the Act may be sufficient in the case of temples which are properly administered; but there may be a temple without any scheme of administration or even if it has one, it may require to be improved to achieve better results. Section 58 enables a Deputy Commissioner to settle a scheme for an institution if he has reason to believe that in the interests of better administration thereof a scheme should be settled for it. His order framing a scheme is subject to appeal to the Commissioner. Under s. 62 of the Act a party aggrieved by the order can file a suit in a Court questioning the correctness of the same and against the order of that Court an appeal lies to the High Court. Under s. 103 (d) of the Act, "all schemes settled or modified by a Court of law under the said Act (The Madras Hindu Religious Endowments Act, 1926) or under section 92 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, shall be deemed to have been settled or modified by the Court under this Act and shall have effect accordingly." Under s. 62 (3) of the Act, any scheme modified by a Court under s. 62 (2) of the Act or any scheme framed or any scheme deemed under s. 103 (d) to have been settled or m .....

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..... ut the propriety or advisability of the various clauses of a scheme. In framing a scheme, the Deputy Commissioner and, in a suit or application for amendment of a scheme, the Court will mould the relief under s. 58(2) of the Act having regard to the circumstances of each case. Section 58 (2) of the Act reads : "A scheme settled under sub-section (1) for a temple or for a specific endowment other than one attached to a math may contain provision for- (a) removing any existing trustee, whether hereditary or non-hereditary; (b) appointing a new trustee or trustees in the place of or in addition to any existing trustee or trustees; (c) defining the powers and duties of the trustee or trustees; (d) appointing, or directing the appointment of, a paid executive officer who shall be a person professing the Hindu religion, on such salary and allowances as may be fixed, to be paid out of the funds of the institution; and defining the powers and duties of such officer The Deputy Commissioner, the Commissioner or the Court, as the case may be, is not bound, in framing a scheme, to appoint an Executive Officer in every case; but a case will have to be made out for appointing him : th .....

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..... ervants. (b) The Executive Officer shall be a first class Executive Officer, and shall be paid such salary and employed on such terms as the Commissioner may from time to time prescribe and his powers and duties shall be regulated by Madras Act XIX of 1951 and the rules framed thereunder. 8. The Pandarasannadhi shall select from among the Thambirans of the Dharmapuram Adhinam a Kattalai Thambiran competent to do the religious functions of the Trustee. The Pandarasannadhi will be responsible for all acts of the Kattalai Thambiran as a master for the acts of the servant. 9. The Kattalai Thambiran shall attend to the performance in proper manner and in proper times of the daily pujas and worship and of the monthly and yearly festivals of the Devasthanam under the supervision and direction of the Executive Officer. 10. (a) The matam building belonging to the Devasthanam in Vaitheeswarankoil shall be set apart for the residence of Kattalai Thambiran, and a sum of ₹ 501- a month shall be paid to him for his maintenance and personal expenses. He will also be entitled to the enjoyment of one veli of maniam land, as in the pre-scheme days. (b) The present treasurer and shroff wi .....

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..... vouchers. 16. Power is reserved to the Trustee to apply to the Commissioner for permission to use the surplus funds on such religious and charitable and other purposes as may tend to promote the cause of the institution such as an Agama Patasala or Thevara Patasala or Adhyayana Patasala/or such other purposes as are prescribed by the Act. 17. The Trustee shall have the discretion to make jewels, vahanams, etc., or to do thiruppani work for the Devasthanam out of the surplus income of each year after obtaining the sanction of the Commissioner and in accordance with the provisions of Act XIX of 1951, and the rules made thereunder. The Trustee shall have a discretion to spend ₹ 2,000/- annually over and above the sanctioned amount if necessary and if funds are available. 18. The Trustee may with the sanction of the Commissioner invest the surplus funds of the Devasthanam in such manner as is prescribed under Madras Act XIX of 1951 and the rules made thereunder. 19. There shall be no money dealing or transactions between the Devasthanam Trustee and the Adhinam or any of the Kattalai charities or trusts managed by the Pandarasannadhi of Dharmapuram or any person under his orde .....

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..... from the record that the present Kattalai Thambiran is a legally qualified person and he can ordinarily be expected to look after these things with appropriate expert advice. We do not think any case has been made out for the appointment of the Executive Officer. The next objection raised by Mr. Viswanatha Sastry relates to cl. (4) of the scheme, which reads "On the application of the Commissioner, the Court shall have the power to add two additional trustees if at some future time it is found that it is necessary to do so in the interest of the Devasthanam on account of the mismanagement by the Pandarasannadhi, the Trustee." Clause 4 of the scheme only confers a power and it does not direct the appointment of additional trustees in presenti or even in future. Indeed, s. 39 of the Act was amended in 1954 whereunder such a power is conferred even on the Commissioner. We do not think the appellant is in any way prejudiced by the said clause. Therefore, it may stand. As we are deleting the clause appointing the Executive Officer, there will be, consequential amendments in the various clauses of the scheme framed by the High Court. It is brought to our notice that in 1959 .....

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