TMI Blog1972 (1) TMI 110X X X X Extracts X X X X X X X X Extracts X X X X ..... the relationship between the College and the appellant was that of master and servant and that even if the service of the appellant has been terminated in breach of the audi alteram partem rule of natural justice, the remedy of the appellant was to file a suit for damages and not to apply under Article 226 of the Constitution for a writ or order in the nature of certiorari and that in fact no principle of natural justice was violated by terminating the services of the appellant as the appellant was given an opportunity of submitting his explanation to the charges. The Bench, therefore, set aside the order of the learned single judge and dismissed the writ petition. It is from this judgment that the appeal has been preferred by special leave. The appellant joined the service of the college as lecturer in 1946. He was promoted to the post of Head of the Department of Zoology in 1959. On the basis of certain complaints against him received by the Manager of the College, charges were framed against him and his explanation was called for. He submitted an explanation. The explanation was found not to be satisfactory and the Managing Committee passed a resolution on 12-11-1967 for remova ..... X X X X Extracts X X X X X X X X Extracts X X X X ..... fice or status in Vidyodaya University v. Silva([1964] 3 All F.R. 865). In that case the services of the respondent was brought to an end by a resolution of the University Council set up under the statute establishing the University. The resolution was admittedly passed without hearing the teacher. Under the statute, the Council was empowered to institute professorships and every appointment was to be by an agreement in writing between the University and the professor and was to be for such period and on such terms as the Council might resolve. Under section 18(e) of the Act, the Council had the power to dismiss an officer or a teacher on grounds of incapacity or conduct which, in the opinion of not less than two-third of the members of the Council, rendered him unfit to be an officer or a teacher of the University. Such a resolution with the requisite majority was passed. The Act gave no right to the teacher of being heard by the Council. The Privy Council held that the mere circumstances that the University was established by the statute and was regulated by statutory enactments contained in the Act did not mean that the contracts of employment made with teachers, though subject ..... X X X X Extracts X X X X X X X X Extracts X X X X ..... s is inevitably so), these must be confined to what have been called "pure master and servant cases", which I take to Mean cases in which there is no element of public employment or service, no support by statute, nothing in the nature of an office or a status which is capable of protection. If any of these elements exist, then, in my opinion, whatever the terminology used, and even though in some inter parties aspects the relationship may be called that of master and servant, there may be essential procedural requirements to be observed, and failure to observe them may result in a dismissal being declared to be void." and then he said as regards the decision in VidyodaYa University, Council v. Silva([1964] 3 All E.R. 865.) : "It would not be necessary or appropriate to disagree with the procedural or even the factual basis on which this decision rests : but I must confess that could not follow it in this country in so far as it involves a denial of any remedy of administrative law to analogous employments. Statutory provisions similar to those on which the employment rested would tend to show, to my mind, in England or in Scotland, that it was one of a suff ..... X X X X Extracts X X X X X X X X Extracts X X X X ..... charges were framed against the appellant by the Principal of the College and he was asked to submit his explanation. The appellant in his explanation denied all the charges and requested for particulars on which one of the charges was based. The particulars were not supplied and the Governing Body terminated his services without holding any enquiry. The appellant moved the High Court under Article 226 of the Constitution for a writ quashing the order of the Governing Body and for his reinstatement. He contended that the Governing Body had made the order in violation of the provisions of Ordinance 20, otherwise called the 'College Code, framed under section 32 of the University of Saugar Act read with section 6 (6) of that Act. Clause 8 (vi (a) of the College Code provided that the Governing Body of the college shall not terminate the services of a confirmed teacher without holding an enquiry and without giving him an opportunity of defending himself. The High Court held that the conditions of service of the appellant were governed not by the 'College Code' but by the contract made between the Governing Body and the appellant under clause 7 of the College Cod&-which sta ..... X X X X Extracts X X X X X X X X Extracts X X X X ..... rminated. Statute 152 states that the form of agreement to be adopted by each college shall be approved by the Executive Council before it is put in force. Statute 153 provides for a form of agreement which shall serve as a model. It may be noted that statute 151 does not provide for any particular procedure for dismissal or removal of a teacher for being incorporated in the contract. Nor does the model form of contract lay down any particular procedure for that purpose. The appellant had entered into an agreement when he was employed in the college. Clause 5 of the agreement provided that : "the period of probation shall be one year unless extended by the Managing Committee and the College may at any time during the said period of probation put an end to this engagement, or if service shall continue beyond the said term, at any time thereafter, dispense with the services of the said Lecturer without notice, if the Managing Committee of the said College is satisfied that it is necessary to remove the said Lec- turer for misconduct, insubordination or habitual neglect of duty on the part of the said Lecturer 'or in case any of the conditions herein specified have been bro ..... X X X X Extracts X X X X X X X X Extracts X X X X