TMI BlogPOST ISSUE MONITORING REPORTSX X X X Extracts X X X X X X X X Extracts X X X X ..... 7(a). Provisional Subscription Details of Net Public offer (including unsubscribed portion of reserved categories i) Total amount to be collected on application : Rs lakhs ii) Amount collected on application : Rs lakhs iii) % subscribed i.e. % of (ii) to (i) : (%) 7(b). Amount subscribed by the reserved categories on competitive basis : Rs. lakhs 8) Please tick mark whether 90% minimum subscription of the amount through offer document is collected. (i) YES (ii) NO Signed by ... Registrars to the Issue Signed by ... Company Signed by ... Lead Merchant Banker(s) Place: Date : Note: This is the responsibility of Lead Merchant banker(s) to give correct information after verifying it from the company and the Registrar to the issue. PUBLIC ISSUE SUBSCRIPTION STATUS: (SUBSCRIBED / UNDERSUBSCRIBED) FINAL POST ISSUE MONITORING REPORT (RESPONSIBILITY: POST ISSUE LEAD MERCHANT BANKER) 1. Name of the Company : 2. Issue opening date : 3. Actual closing date : 4. 3-Day Report Due on : Submitted on : 5. No. of Collecting Banks : (Also specify no. of Bank Branches) 6. Bank-wise names of branches which did not submit final consolidated certificates wit ..... X X X X Extracts X X X X X X X X Extracts X X X X ..... trading, if any : TO BE FILLED UP IN CASE OF UNDERSUBSCRIBED ISSUES ONLY: 1. If the issue underwritten, mention the amount of issue underwritten : 2. Extent of under subscription on the date of closure of the issue a) Percentage : b) Amount : 3. Total no. of Underwriters : 4. If devolvement notices had not been issued, mention how the shortfall was met : 5. No. of Underwriters to whom devolvement notices had been issued : 6. Date of Issue of devolvement notices : 7. No. of Underwriters who did not pay devolvement (Please give names, amount underwritten and reasons for not paying) : 8. In case of default from underwriters, mention how the shortfall was met : 9. In case where F.Is/ MFs had subscribed to make up shortfall not as underwriter : a) Name of FI/MF : b) No. of Instruments applied for : c) Amount Received : CERTIFIED that the information given above and also in the enclosures are true to the best of our knowledge and no refund orders / allotment letters / certificates are pending for despatch in respect of the issue. CERTIFIED that shares to be locked in are duly inscribed with the words "Share cannot be hypothecated / transferred ..... X X X X Extracts X X X X X X X X Extracts X X X X ..... lly submitted : 8. Details of Subscription (i) percentage of rights taken up by: a) Promoters : b) Other Shareholders : (ii) percentage of rights renounced by: a) Promoters : b) Others : (iii) percentage of rights taken by shareholders/ renounces : (iv) percentage at the disposal of the Board : (v) Out of the unsubscribed portion as in above, taken by: (a) Promoters : (b) Others : 9. Promoters shareholdings : No. of Percentage Shares (a) Prior to the Issue : (b) On Expanded Capital after the rights issue : 10. Date of finalisation of allotment (enclose copy of the basis of allotment) : 11. (a) Name and Address of Refund Banker : (b) Amount of refund due : (Updated upto August 20, 2009) (c) Date of transfer of refund amount to Refund Banker, if any : 12. Actual Date(s) of completion of despatch of: (a) Refund Orders : (b) Certificate/Allotment Letters : (c) Reasons for delay in despatch, if any : (d) Whether interest paid for delayed period, if so, for which period : 13. Name of Designated Stock Exchange : 14. Names of other stock exchanges where listing is sought : 15. 42nd day from the date of closure of the issue : 16. ..... X X X X Extracts X X X X X X X X Extracts X X X X ..... nt for different categories : 6.3 Amt. per instrument on application for different categories : 6.4 Issue Size : (Rs lakhs) (a) Promoters' contribution : (a)(i) Date of submission of auditors' certificate to SEBI for receipt of promoters' contribution : (b) Amount through offer document (including reserved categories and net public offer) : (b)(i) Reserved Category Amount reserved (Rs lakhs) Firm basis Competitive basis Mutual funds FIS / Banks FIIs NRIs / OCBs Employees Others (Please specify) (b)(ii) Net public offer : 7(a). Provisional Subscription Details of Net Public offer (including unsubscribed portion of reserved categories i) Total amount to be collected on application : Rs lakhs ii) Amount collected on application : Rs lakhs iii) % subscribed i.e. % of (ii) to (i) : (%) 7(b). Amount subscribed by the reserved categories on competitive basis : Rs. lakhs 8) Please tick mark whether 90% minimum subscription of the amount through offer document is collected. (i) YES (ii) NO Signed by ... Registrars to the Issue Signed by ... Company Signed by ... Lead Merchant Banker(s) Place: Date : Note: This is the responsibility o ..... X X X X Extracts X X X X X X X X Extracts X X X X ..... If there is a reservation for NRIs, date(s) of completion of despatch of - (a) Refund Orders : (b) Cancelled Stockinvests : (c) Certificate/Allotment Letters : (d) Reasons for delay in despatch, if any : (e) Whether interest paid for delayed period : (f) Date of submission of application to the RBI for approval for despatch of share certificates : (g) Date of approval received from RBI : 13. Amount of refund due : Rs. 14. Refund Banker(s) (Name and Address) : 15. Date of transfer of refund amount to Refund Banker, if any : 16. Date of completion of despatch of refund orders/cancelled stock invests : 17 Name of Regional Stock Exchange : 18 Names of other stock exchanges where listing is sought : 19. Date on which application was filed with each stock exchange for listing of instruments : 20. Date when listing and trading permission given by each stock exchange (Enclose copies of permission letters of stock exchanges) : 21. Reasons for delay in listing for trading, if any : TO BE FILLED UP IN CASE OF UNDERSUBSCRIBED ISSUES ONLY: 1. If the issue underwritten, mention the amount of issue underwritten : 2. Extent of under subscription on t ..... X X X X Extracts X X X X X X X X Extracts X X X X ..... ubscribed i.e. % of (ii) to (i): (%) iv) Please tick mark whether 90% minimum subscription collected : (i) YES (ii) NO Signed by ... Signed by ..... Registrars to the Issue Company Signed by..... Lead Merchant Banker(s) Place: Date : Note: It is the responsibility of Lead Merchant banker(s) to give correct information after verifying it from the company and the Registrar to the issue. RIGHTS ISSUE SUBSCRIPTION STATUS : (SUBSCRIBED / UNDERSUBSCRIBED) 50-DAY MONITORING REPORT (RESPONSIBILITY: POST ISSUE LEAD MERCHANT BANKER) (To be submitted IN DUPLICATE : Within 50 days from closure of the Rights Issue) 1. Name of the Company : 2. Issue Opening date : 3. Actual closing date : 4. Issue Details ( as per the letter of offer) 4.1 Basis of offer : 4.2 Nature of instrument : (Equity/FCD/PCD/NCD, etc.) 4.3 Offer price per instrument : 4.4 Amt. per instrument on application : 4.5 Issue Size : Rs in lakhs 5. 3 Day Report Due on : Submitted on 6. No. of Collecting Banks : (Also specify No. of Bank Branches) 7. Bank-wise names of branches which did not submit final consolidated certificate within 21 days from closure of issue and mention the dates when ..... X X X X Extracts X X X X X X X X Extracts X X X X ..... y..... Lead Merchant Banker(s) Place: Date : Note: (i) It is the responsibility of Lead Merchant banker(s) to give correct information after verifying it from the company and the Registrar to the issue. (ii) The lead Merchant Banker shall enclose a certificate from the refund banker that the amount of refund due from the company to investors is deposited in a separate account giving details of the total amount deposited in the account and date of deposit." 2 Omitted the following vide SEBI Circular No. SEBI/CFD/DIL/DIP/14/2005/25/1 dated January 25, 2005: "5) No. of applications accompaniedby stock invests :" 3 Omitted the following vide SEBI Circular No. SEBI/CFD/DIL/DIP/14/2005/25/1 dated January 25, 2005: "6) No. of instruments applied throughstock invest :" 4 Omitted the following vide SEBI Circular No. SEBI/CFD/DIL/DIP/14/2005/25/1 dated January 25, 2005: "7) Amount of subscription received through stock invest : Rs." 5 Omitted the following vide SEBI Circular No. SEBI/CFD/DIL/DIP/14/2005/25/1 dated January 25, 2005: "8)Percentage of subscription through stock invest in total subscription : " 6 Omitted the following vide SEBI Circular No. SEBI/CFD/DIL/DIP/14/200 ..... X X X X Extracts X X X X X X X X Extracts X X X X