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2022 (5) TMI 1592

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..... 120B/174A/34 IPC PS Nabi Karim and quashed the FIR and the proceedings emanating therefrom. Considering the fact that disputes between the parties have already been settled and the respondent no.2 has already received an amount of Rs.2,25,000/-, in full and final, pursuant to settlement, it is opined that bringing these proceedings to an end would only further the ends of justice. Petition disposed off.
HON'BLE MS. JUSTICE POONAM A. BAMBA For the Petitioner : Mr. Ankit Rai, Adv. For the Respondents : Mr G. M. Farooqui, Addl. PP for State ORDER 1.0 Learned counsel for the petitioner submits that subsequent to the compromise dated 24.01.2020, the petitioner was granted anticipatory bail by this court vide order dated 20.02.2020 .....

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..... ons 420/174A of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 ["IPC]. 2. The allegations in the FIR are that the petitioner approached the complainant [the respondent No.2 herein] on 02.03.2015 with an offer to sell him a plot of land. The parties agreed to conclude the transaction for a sum of Rs.7,75,000/-, and an agreement dated 10.03.2015 was entered into between them. The complainant contends that he gave a sum of Rs.2,25,000/- to the petitioner as advance, but the petitioner did not conclude the transaction. 3. During the pendency of the proceedings, the parties have entered into a compromise deed dated 24.01.2020 in which it is recorded that the petitioner shall pay a sum of Rs.2,25,000/- to the complainant towards the full and final settle .....

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..... arim and quashed the FIR and the proceedings emanating therefrom. The relevant portion of the said judgement reads as follows: "It is a well settled law that where the High Court is convinced that the offences are entirely personal in nature and therefore do not affect public peace or tranquillity and where it feels that quashing of such proceedings on account of compromise would bring about peace and would secure ends of justice, it should not hesitate to quash them. In such cases, pursuing prosecution would be waste of time and energy. Non compoundable offences are basically an obstruction in entering into compromise. In certain cases, the main offence is compoundable but the connected offences are not. In the case of B.S. Joshi and oth .....

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