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2018 (1) TMI 1738

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..... as not fatal to a claim u/s. 54F(1) of the Act. If assessee not investing the capital gains either in purchasing the residential house or in constructing a residential house within the period stipulated in s. 54F(1), if the assessee wants the benefit of s. 54F, then he should deposit the said capital gains in an account which is duly notified by the Central Government We are therefore of the opinion that assessee was eligible for claiming exemption u/s. 54F for the full amount utilized by it for construction of a new residential house within three year period allowed u/s. 54F(1). However, whether assessee had completed the residential house within the said period and how much was invested by the assessee within the said period for such residential house, requires verification by the ld. AO - We therefore set aside the orders of the authorities below and remit the issue back to the file of AO for the limited purpose of verifying the quantum of investment made by the assessee for construction of the new residential house within the period mentioned in Sec. 54F(1) of the Act and allow such deduction, if the construction of the house was completed within a said period. Appeal of the as .....

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..... balance to tax as long term capital gains. Contention of the ld. Authorised Representative was that the construction of the residential house was completed well before 15.03.2017 and therefore by virtue of the judgment of Hon'ble Karnataka High Court in the case of CIT vs. K. Ramachandra Rao, 277 CTR 522 the claim was allowable. According to her, the question of making investment in an account under Capital Gains Accounts Scheme was not relevant where the assessee had constructed a residential house within a period stipulated u/s. 54F (1)of the Act. As per the ld. Authorised Representative, ld. Commissioner of Income Tax (Appeals) confirmed the disallowance without any good reason. 3. Per contra, ld. Departmental Representative strongly supporting the orders of the authorities below submitted that assessee admittedly did not deposit the unutilized amount in an account under Capital Gains Accounts Scheme and therefore was not eligible for claiming deduction u/s. 54F of the Act. According to him, the Assessing Officer had allowed the claim of the assessee to the extent she utilized the consideration received by him on sale of the shares, for the purpose of investment in new resi .....

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..... o be charged in case of investment on house. It reads as under : "54F. (1) Subject to the provisions of sub-s. (4), where, in the case of an assessee being an individual or an HUF, the capital gain arises from the transfer of any long-term capital asset, not being a residential house (hereafter in this section referred to as the original asset), and the assessee has, within a period of one year before or two years after the date on which the transfer took place purchased, or has within a period of three years after that date constructed, a residential house (hereafter in this section referred to as the new asset), the capital gain shall be dealt with in accordance with the following provisions of this section, that is to say,-- (a) if the cost of the new asset is not less than the net consideration in respect of the original asset, the whole of such capital gain shall not be charged under s. 45; (b) if the cost of the new asset is less than the net consideration in respect of the original asset, so much of the capital gain as bears to the whole of the capital gain the same proportion as the cost of the new asset bears to the net consideration, shall not be charged under .....

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..... not appropriated by the assessee towards the purchase of the new asset made within one year before the date on which the transfer of the original asset took place, or which is not utilised by him for the purchase or construction of the new asset before the date of furnishing the return of income under s. 139, shall be deposited by him before furnishing such return [such deposit being made in any case not later than the due date applicable in the case of the assessee for furnishing the return of income under sub-s. (1) of s. 139] in an account in any such bank or institution as may be specified in, and utilised in accordance with, any scheme which the Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, frame in this behalf and such return shall be accompanied by proof of such deposit; and, for the purposes of sub-s. (1), the amount, if any, already utilised by the assessee for the purchase or construction of the new asset together with the amount so deposited shall be deemed to be the cost of the new asset: Provided that if the amount deposited under this sub- section is not utilised wholly or partly for the purchase or construction of the new asset within the period .....

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..... g the residential house within the period stipulated in s. 54F(1). The proviso to s. 54F puts an embargo on the application of s. 54F to cases which are mentioned in the said proviso. That is to be eligible for the benefit under s. 54F(1) the assessee should not be owning more than one residential house other than the new asset acquired or he should not purchase any residential house other than the new asset within a period of one year after the date of transfer of residential asset or construct any residential house other than the new asset within a period of three years after the date of transfer of the residential asset. In the entire scheme there is no prohibition for the assessee putting up construction out of sale consideration received by such transfer of a site which is owned by him as is clear from the language used. It is open for the assessee to put up a residential construction or to purchase a residential house. It is not the requirement of law that he should purchase a residential site and then put up construction. Therefore, in the instant case admittedly the assessee has purchased a vacant site on 31st March, 2001. He sold the original asset on 27th Aug., 2003 on wh .....

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