Revision u/s 263 - Addition u/s 68 - in the light of the ...
PCIT's Revision u/s 263 Overruled: AO's Inquiry on Share Capital Addition u/s 68 Upheld.
April 7, 2021
Case Laws Income Tax AT
Revision u/s 263 - Addition u/s 68 - in the light of the judicial precedents and in the light of fact that AO has conducted enquiries in respect of share capital collected by the assessee company before accepting the share subscribers identity, creditworthiness and genuineness of the transaction and being satisfied did not find it necessary to make any addition u/s. 68 of the Act, which action could not have been interfered by the Ld. PCIT u/s. 263 of the Act since the jurisdictional condition precedent for invoking the same is not satisfied in the facts of this case - AT
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