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Dishonor of Cheque - legally enforceable debt or not - In view ...

Court Rules on Cheque Dishonor as Debt; Section 139 Supports Validity Despite Omission; Defects Correctable u/s 465.

May 18, 2021

Case Laws     Indian Laws     HC

Dishonor of Cheque - legally enforceable debt or not - In view of the provision of Section 139 of the Act, it is not available to the petitioner to argue that in the absence of specific mention in the complaint that the cheque was received by the respondent in the discharge of any debt or other liability, the complaint is not maintainable - the defect of not supplying the list of prosecution witnesses before issuance of process is curable, as Section 465 Cr.P.C. would come to the rescue of the respondent. The Court can very well permit the respondent to submit the list of prosecution witnesses before proceeding further in the complaint. - HC

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