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Income Tax - Highlights / Catch Notes

Home Highlights April 2022 Year 2022 This

Rectification of mistake - Computation of income u/s. 154 - the ...

Income Computation Error Corrected: Depreciation Adjusted Before Section 80IA Deduction u/s 154.

April 8, 2022

Case Laws     Income Tax     AT

Rectification of mistake - Computation of income u/s. 154 - the non adjustment of brought forward depreciation from profits and gains of business and profession, for determining the quantum of deduction u/s 80IA of the Act is a patent mistake amenable to rectification u/s 154 - The rectification so effected in the present case by adjusting brought forward depreciation against profits of the business before granting deduction u/s 80IA of the Act is therefore upheld. - AT

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