Money Laundering - Provisional attachment of property - ...
Denying Extension for Response Violates Natural Justice, Hampers Defense Against Money Laundering Property Attachment Order.
August 16, 2022
Case Laws Money Laundering HC
Money Laundering - Provisional attachment of property - Admittedly, the original complaint and its annexures were voluminous running into almost 5000 pages and it needs time to peruse the voluminous documents served upon them and to comprehend them and to ascertain the facts in accordance with the internal records and collate the supporting documents for preparation of reply. Any inadequate reply would affect the defence of petitioners. Therefore, not granting extension of time period to reply to the impugned show-cause notice would be depriving them of their right to put forth defense against the provisional attachment order and to present evidence in support of their defense. The same was in violation of principles of natural justice violating the opportunity of providing a fair hearing. - HC
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